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Episode #161 Lately It's Been Tough - 

This weeks podcast with Wendy K Laidlaw discusses some recent personal challenges she's overcome and the value of journaling as a tool for guidance, self-reflection, emotional balance, and personal growth.

Wendy also shares her experience with nurturing a sick puppy (called Daisy), dealing with doubt, and managing different "Parts" of the personality, including that aged old one called Perfectionism.

Journaling, she explains, has been instrumental in overcoming and navigating life's obstacles and creating positive change, such as writing and publishing multiple books and developing the life-giving and life-changing EndoBoss® Academy.

This episode emphasises the importance of listening to one’s body, instincts and intuition, while encouraging you to use journaling as a transformative and safe directive practice.

To start your own EndoBoss® journey go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your "Top 5 Quick Start Tips" report.

Episode #160 - Dianna from Canada - Still An EndoBoss 5 Years Later!

This week, Wendy K Laidlaw sits down with Dianna from Canada, a former student of the EndoBoss® Academy, to share an inspiring and heartwarming story that will resonate deeply with women who have been told they would never have children due to endometriosis.

Dianna first shared her EndoBoss® success story in 2017, gave us an encouraging update in 2018, and came back in 2021 to celebrate her ongoing journey. Now, in 2024, Dianna returns with the most delightful news: after years of being told by doctors that she would never have children, she is now a proud mother to a handsome and healthy little boy named Stephen!

Even more remarkable, her endometriosis remains in remission!

Dianna's journey is a powerful testament to hope, resilience, and the transformative power of the EndoBoss® pathway and programs.

Tune in to hear her inspiring update and learn how she continues to thrive.

To start your own EndoBoss® journey go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your "Top 5 Quick Start Tips" report.

Episode #159 - Go To The Healing Mat with Julie Hegarty

Welcome to this week's episode of our podcast, where Wendy K. Laidlaw sits down with the lovely special guest Julie Hegarty from Ireland. Julie shares her inspiring journey of healing many abdominal problems, including Crohn's Disease, by making key lifestyle changes and incorporating yoga into her daily routine. 

Listen in as she discusses her passion for "going to the mat to heal" and how she's learned to connect 'pain in her gut' to the emotional challenges she's had in her life, to breathe deeply to stimulate the immune system and connect with her body in a transformative new way. 

Join us for an inspiring and insightful conversation about the power of yoga in enhancing breath and overall health.

Learn more about Julie's online classes at https://www.yogawithjuliehegarty.co.uk


To start your own EndoBoss® journey go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your "Top 5 Quick Start Tips" report.

Episode #158 - Questions, Questions, Questions

This week, Wendy and her Head Coach, Maxine, discuss the critical importance of asking questions. As the Danish proverb goes, "Better to ask twice than to lose your way once."

On your EndoBoss® journey, you will encounter various characters and personalities. Some may seem helpful but are actually like wolves in sheep's clothing. Others might pretend to offer assistance but are merely serving their own egos, potentially causing you harm.

So, how do you ensure you are engaging with safe and genuinely caring people? The answer lies in questions, questions, questions!

You can discern those who are less safe or not safe at all by observing how they respond to your inquiries.

You know your body better than anyone else and will live with the outcomes of any decisions made. You have the power to transform your body, and when seeking external assistance or guidance, it's essential to ask important and relevant questions.

President John F. Kennedy famously said, "The first key to wisdom is constant and frequent questioning," which is also our motto for EndoBosses.

Whether it's your optician, travel agent, or boss, questions keep you safe and help build your confidence in a fast-paced, dazzling world.

As the renowned writer and poet Rudyard Kipling said, "I keep six honest serving men...they taught me all I knew; their names are: what and why and when and how and who and where."

To start your own EndoBoss® journey go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your "Top 5 Quick Start Tips" report.

Episode #157 - Holding The Mirror

In this week's podcast Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the importance of "holding the mirror" to oneself and others. This involves keeping self-awareness through journaling to care for oneself and recognise negative behaviours in others. She advises being an advocate for your own body, not allowing others to mislead you into unnecessary medical procedures. 

Holding the mirror with compassion allows you to step into your full potential. Journaling helps process emotions and gain clarity on relationships. Taking care of yourself first is essential.

To start your own EndoBoss® journey go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your "Top 5 Quick Start Tips" report.

Episode #156 - Done Being A Doormat

In this week's podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw discusses how women may suffer excessively when they prioritize others over themselves and at their own expense. 

'Done Being a Doormat' highlights how women teach others to treat them through actions and boundaries, defining a "doormat" as someone who accepts mistreatment without objection.

Signs of being a doormat include excessive people-pleasing, difficulty saying no, low self-esteem, and avoiding confrontation. Wendy shares her journey from chronic people-pleasing to self-care, addressing the subconscious societal expectations of women. 

The podcast discusses the need of women with endometriosis to set new boundaries and emphasises the importance of emotional well-being for healing, encouraging self-awareness and advocating for a balance between self-care and caregiving - to become a Boss of your endometriosis.

To learn more, visit our website, at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #155 - The Year of You

In this podcast episode, Wendy K Laidlaw explains her absence on the podcast over the past few months due to some unforeseen challenges. 

Wendy reminds listeners that a New Year brings NEW opportunities to focus on essential self-care, pay attention to the body's signs and signals, and to take responsibility for one's full health; mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

She also shares her plans to host more in-person events like EndoBoss® Mastermind Retreats in 2024 for EndoBoss® Beginners, Advanced & Elite clients to provide more rich, niche and expert education, along with safe, female personal connections to empower women more securely emotionally for good.

Throughout the podcast, Wendy's personal health journey of success, serves as a backdrop to convey the importance of self-awareness, empowerment, and resilience in the face of health challenges - to becoming an EndoBoss® for Life!

To learn more, visit our website, at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #154 - Save Your Womb

In this week's podcast I want to address a pressing issue. I recently spoke to a woman who was told by her gynaecologist that she needed a complete hysterectomy, a procedure involving the removal of her uterus and potentially ovaries. What deeply troubles me is the misinformation women receive about hysterectomies.

My own mother had a hysterectomy, and she was devastated by the outcome. She was led to believe it would be a cure-all, but it wasn't. She faced complications and even developed more endometriosis symptoms after the procedure. Many women reach out to us, seeking information, after they are often given frightening and misleading advice from others.

Your uterus and ovaries are crucial organs throughout your life, beyond just reproduction. They play a major role in hormone production and preventing conditions like osteoporosis. Yet, some doctors rush to recommend their removal without considering the long-term consequences or other natural options.

Some women are told they can keep their ovaries while removing the uterus, but this can lead to blood supply issues to the ovaries, causing them to atrophy and necessitating another surgery. Even worse, some are falsely told that not having a hysterectomy will lead to cancer, a dangerous and highly irresponsible claim.

Historically, women have been conditioned to stay silent and not question authority figures, especially in medical settings. It's crucial to understand that you have the right to take your time and make fully informed decisions about your health. These decisions are irreversible, so make sure to gather as much information as possible.

Dr. Stanley West, author of "The Hysterectomy Hoax," states that about 90% of hysterectomies are unnecessary. Surgery can often do more harm than good, posing needless risks. Surgeons too often rely on hysterectomies as a 'one-size-fits-all solution' to various conditions, from PMS to fibroids.

Even Dr. Sarah Myhill, renowned in the UK, has achieved remission in terminally ill cancer patients, demonstrating that alternatives and natural protocols exist.

I do what I do because I remember the fear and devastation I felt when pressured to have a hysterectomy (which I refused). I was scared to question doctors and felt trapped between a rock and a hard place. It's vital to empower yourself with knowledge before making any critical decisions.

I believe that most women can achieve remission by following the guidance in my book, online programs and other resources as I have done, along with hundreds of other EndoBosses.

Seek safe and expert support, but don't be swayed or react by fear. Reflect on how you cannot reinstate your precious organs once they have been removed. 

Surgery is invasive and comes with risks, so take the natural route, even though it may take time, it comes with ZERO side effects and great life long gains. It's a real opportunity for those who are ready for change and self-discovery.

Remember, you are in charge of your health and you know your body better than anyone.

To learn more, visit our website, at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #153 - Meet Cristine ANOTHER EndoBoss® Success Story
We are delighted to introduce you to the delightful Cristine, coming from the beautiful country of Denmark in Europe.

Over the span of three decades, starting as young as 14, Cristine grappled with the relentless ebb and flow of menstrual agony for almost 30 years.

In her quest for relief, Cristine found herself at the mercy of the medical field, with limited options: pills or pregnancy. However, due to the presence of two 10cm cysts, she eventually felt pressure to undergo surgery and also became a mother of two. But, to her dismay, her symptoms returned with vengeance, turning her monthly cycles into an unbearable ordeal.

Desperation and determination led her to explore alternatives. Against the backdrop of medical pressure to embrace hormone replacement therapy, and alarming irresponsible scaremongering about the risk of cancer as she got older, Cristine found herself in a state of fear and anxiety, struggling to trust her own body.

Cristine's healing naturally journey began when an act of online searching brought her to Wendy's transformative book called "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs, or Surgery" a few years back. This book became her guiding light, helping her navigate the turbulent waters of chronic, excruciatingly painful periods and sizeable cysts. 

A pivotal question emerged for her: "Are you worthy of being pain-free and having a good life?" 

The answer, of course, was YES and the answer to this question came through her daily practise of morning journalling. It paved the way for Cristine to rediscover her sense of self, an equilibrium, and a way of escaping the confines of a rule-bound existence placed upon herself.

Over the course of several years, Cristine revisited this book for inspiration. While her journey had its share of ups, down and bumps along the way, she gradually recognized her own power to heal and her intrinsic worth in the world.

A lifelong pattern of overextending herself and prioritising others over her own needs began to shift without shame or guilt. 

The narrative she had internalised, which was one that demanded her to be perfect to receive love, gave way to a new perspective. Cristine now declares, "It's been like a QUEST, and I'm okay, and my body is completely capable of healing itself!"

From fear and resentment towards her body, she has transitioned to an appreciation of its incredible capabilities for self healing, naturally. She has learned to trust herself and her intuition, transcending pain to embrace a life FREE from endometriosis’s grip.

Cristine recognised that the ovaries symbolise creativity, the source of creation and life within oneself—an area that she embarked on improving her awareness on.

Cristine's journey offers valuable insights into rediscovering oneself, believing in one's worth, and finding a voice in this world. 

It's been a journey inward and heading ‘back home to oneself’—a path from living in fear, in denial and where self-neglect prevailed, to a place of self-love, acceptance and balance.

This transformation included reading Wendy's book many times, addressing The 5 P’s (Poisons; Produce, Products, Property, People & Past), incorporating journalling every morning, a daily meditation practise, and working on her closest relationships.

Her truly inspiring story serves as a reminder to us all about the importance of balancing what is going on inside our head and body, letting go of the need for external validation, and finding peace within.

Cristine now has short, light, ‘non-event’, pain-FREE period every month and no resurfacing of cysts. But the biggest joy in her journey is her connectedness, compassion and acceptance of herself, as she is able to finally live her life FREE from shame, guilt and emotional and physical pain.

Now, it's your turn to start on your own EndoBoss® journey of healing and self-discovery. 

If you're serious about change, eager to fast-track your transformation over a 12 months timeframe with our specialist and personalised support from our EndoBoss® Team, then be sure to join our email list (and/or double check your spam folder if you are already on it), as applications for the EndoBoss® Academy open soon.

Please note that EndoBoss® Client Academy is not a quick-fix program but a 12 months online transformational program. There are limited number of spaces due to the high levels of personalised support through out the year.

Episode #152 - Retreat MasterClass Replay
In this week's podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw shares the three secrets about HOW deeply subconscious emotions maybe connected to the surfacing of disease (dis-ease) showing up in the body.

"Blocked, or deeply suppressed emotions, combined with subconscious intergenerational trauma, make the perfect breeding ground for disease (dis-ease) in the body. However, once you learn HOW to embrace emotions, healing of the mind, body and spirit begins.”- Wendy K Laidlaw

Wendy shares a recent 'How To Embrace Emotions Retreat' Masterclass replay where she explains how and why deeply blocked emotions embedded in the lower subconscious parts of the brain, maybe unprocessed and impairing the immune system.

This transformative in-person Retreat in Southern Portugal starts in 14 days. 

Learn more about the Retreat here: https://embracingemotions.com/retreat_portugal_2023

Episode #151 - How To Heal A Hurt Heart
In this week's podcast Wendy K Laidlaw talks about past pain, especially from close relationships, often erodes trust and makes us keep our hearts closed off. 

Whilst balancing the need for protection and connection can be challenging, extremes of isolation or vulnerability with our hearts were unhelpful. Either, life's beauty often gets overshadowed by sadness and loneliness when we shield our hearts or we get hurt from being too open. 

The key is a balanced middle ground. To heal and reopen your heart involves gradual steps combined with the implementation of strong, protective mechanisms.

Creating a protective mechanism enables you to identify triggers and set boundaries, and amid the fast-paced chaos of today’s society, listening to your inner voice and having brick-like boundaries becomes vital.

On her own journey, doing these things allowed Wendy to rebuild trust in herself. She realised not everyone is kind and stopped 'idealising those who hurt her' and learned to differentiate genuine connections from toxic ones. 

Wendy realised it was okay to hear uncomfortable truths about people and to say no when someone’s behaviour or requests didn’t work for her.

If you need assistance safely re-opening your heart then join her at her Retreat. You will be able to learn how to hear your voice, establish boundaries, and navigate various personalities. Even more so, you will be able to experience safe connections and fully relax in the tranquil settings of the Retreat.

Mother Teresa said the worst disease is feeling unwanted and for so long she felt this way.

Now, her heart now shines, is unshackled and strong and she is able to appreciate the world around her. Let her guide you to heal the hurts of your heart.

Learn more about the Retreat here: https://embracingemotions.com/retreat_portugal_2023

Episode #150 - Retreat To The Retreat
This week, Wendy is excited to share an exclusive opportunity with her audience. She invites you to join her in person and experience the live event at the inaugural 'How To Embrace Emotions Retreat,' set to take place in the picturesque landscape of Portugal, Europe.

This event promises a remarkable occasion for those who aspire to comprehend and embrace their emotions deeply and decipher their underlying messages. Beyond understanding, participants will also gain access to a toolbox of protocols and techniques, enabling them to effectively apply this emotional insight under Wendy's personal guidance.

The Retreat curriculum encompasses various aspects, including cultivating resilient personal boundaries for the sake of self-care, recognizing and addressing the shackles of shame that may bind individuals, and countering external projections of shame.

 Attendees will discover methods for taking gradual yet progressive strides towards empowerment and mutual respect in their relationships, shedding the role of a passive bystander.

Mark your calendars for a transformative experience, as the 'How To Embrace Emotions Retreat' with Wendy unfolds from Monday, October 2nd, to Saturday, October 7th, 2023.

This event is not only about mastering your emotions but also about indulging in much-needed rest and rejuvenation for your mind, emotions, and body. The retreat will be hosted in a lavish 5-star accommodation, ensuring a tranquil and luxurious setting for your growth journey.

Limited spots are available, so act swiftly to secure your place and avoid any regrets. Retreat into this immersive experience with Wendy and pave your way toward becoming a master of your emotions while immersing yourself in the opulence of restorative relaxation.

Learn more about the Retreat here: https://embracingemotions.com/retreat_portugal_2023

Episode #149 - The Wall or The Way | Join Our Emotional Healing Retreat
"The Wall or The Way" is both a reflection from Wendy K Laidlaw on memories of emotional healing and personal growth and an invitation for 'Super Sensitive Souls' to join her for emotional healing in the upcoming 'Emotional Healing Retreat' led by her personally, this October in Portugal.

The podcast starts with Wendy's reflection on a recent emotionally intense experience where she watched someone she admired succumb to the poison, negativity and manipulation of a toxic individual who newly entered her life.

She then talks about the dangers of seeking external validation for self worth and the challenges of societal conditioning, conformity, and toxic influences that may hinder emotional well-being.

Many individuals face pressure to conform to societal norms and appearances, often leading to emotional distress and self-doubt. She highlights the paradox of seeking happiness externally and introduces the concept of peace, joy and happiness being an "inside job" and for achieving emotional well-being and authenticity.

Finally, Wendy invites you to the Retreat so that she can help you address and MASTER your emotional struggles. She knows that deeply sensitive, caring, and selfless individuals tend to have difficulty valuing themselves and setting essential personal boundaries, due to deep-seated abandonment and rejection issues. 

So, the Emotional Healing Retreat promises an opportunity for these individuals to unweave societal indoctrination, listen to their inner wisdom, and mend inter-generational emotional wounds - while transitioning toward peace.

Wendys aims to do this through uniquely tailored tools, expert support, and guidance and knows that all who attend will learn emotional mastery about their emotions which will allow for emotional healing and personal growth.

Limited spaces are available.

Learn more about the Retreat here: https://embracingemotions.com/retreat_portugal_2023

Episode #148 - The Bank of Borrowed Beliefs 
Welcome to the concept of "The Bank of Borrowed Beliefs," a conceptual oasis where the currency of success is not measured in monetary value but in the intangible power of belief.

Imagine a place where the vaults hold treasures of wisdom, determination, and self-assurance, all borrowed from the accomplished mind(s) who have walked ahead of you on the path you aspire to tread.

In this unique establishment, borrowing takes on an entirely new dimension. Just as a financial institution lends resources to empower you in your ventures, the Bank of Borrowed Beliefs offers a collection of beliefs from those who have already reached the pinnacles of their dreams. These beliefs are the stepping stones to your aspirations, paving the way for your journey toward personal triumph - and healing your body naturally.

As you engage with this transformative concept, you'll discover that 'borrowing beliefs' is not about copying or mimicking but about harnessing the energy and insights of those who have already achieved what you aspire (like all the other EndoBosses!). 

Let your journey be guided by the luminous footprints of those who have gone before you, and watch as you transform your borrowed beliefs into the most valuable asset of all: your own unshakable mastery of self and accomplishment.

Start your own endometriosis naturally journey and download the Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #147 - Meet Kalisha - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Inspiring Story 
Meet the lovely Kalisha from Texas, USA who shares her inspiring story.
Kalisha used to have debilitating monthly cycles that were so chronically painful that she would end up having to go to the A&E department at the local hospital; every month. Then the doctors would put her on an intravenous drip with pain medication to try and manage the excruciating pain that soared through her abdomen and body.

Fortunately, Kalisha's sister bought my book called "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally" for her (which is available on Amazon), and although it was challenging at the start, she started to make the necessary lifestyle changes. 

However, within a few months, Kalisha's pain started to diminish and her visits to the hospital stopped.

Whilst Kalisha still has some way to go on her EndoBoss® journey, she decided to reach out to me on Instagram and share her great news!
Listen to Kalisha in her own words, and share this inspiring journey and what is possible with the right information and approach.

Kalisha has also recently been offered a place in our EndoBoss® Coach Training Academy to help inspire and guide women with endometriosis to embrace their emotions to become an EndoBoss®!

To start your own EndoBoss® journey, download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #146 - Meet Hana B - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Success Story 
Welcome to an inspiring episode of our podcast, where we have the pleasure of hearing Hana's incredible EndoBoss® success story with Heal Endometriosis Naturally and Wendy K Laidlaw. 

Hana is a remarkably strong and lovely woman, who comes all the way from Slovakia in Europe and has recently completed the transformative and life-giving 12-month EndoBoss® Client Academy Program.

Her journey has led her to achieve remission from endometriosis, experiencing zero pain each month. We are absolutely thrilled that Hana agreed to join us today and share her remarkable journey.

Hana started her path by joining our 21-Day Unstoppable EndoBoss® Challenge, and then she participated in the Embracing Emotions program. If you haven't taken part in these programs yet, we highly encourage you to do so.

Healing from endometriosis is an emotional journey, and it requires conscious effort and specialist support. 
Wendy K Laidlaw, the creator of these transformative online programs, discusses the five essential poisons that need to be addressed: produce, products, property, people, and past. 
While the practical aspects of the programs are relatively straightforward and explained thoroughly in her book, the emotional component presents a greater challenge.

Many women are raised to be seen rather than heard, conditioned to be "good girls" who suppress their emotions and always prioritize others. This emotional aspect forms a significant part of the journey and is a core focus of the program Wendy has developed.

Starting with the 21-Day Challenge allows women to reconnect with themselves gradually over three weeks. During this time, women can observe how their body responds to this newfound self-listening.
Hana's dedication and commitment led us to offer her a place in the prestigious EndoBoss® Client Academy. Please note that the Academy has limited enrollment and not everyone who applies is accepted due to the specific criteria we look for in applicants. We seek women, like Hana, who recognize the importance of hard work, commitment, and necessary changes to achieve results.

Hana's progress has been truly amazing, and we couldn't be more proud and delighted to share some of her specific progress with you.
When she first joined the program, she experienced daily pain ranging from one to four on the pain scale, along with three to five days of bleeding, chronic fatigue, bloating, candida, and various infections. She also carried the burden of childhood trauma, which she astutely identified as a factor affecting her nervous and immune systems.
Unfortunately, some of the medical professionals she sought help from had created additional trauma for her. If you've ever encountered rude or dismissive medical professionals, you understand how such experiences can compound trauma within your nervous system. However, throughout her journey in the EndoBoss® Client Academy, Hana experienced a complete transformation.

Under Wendy's, Maxine and EndoBoss® Team guidance, Hana witnessed significant improvements. She now has pain-FREE periods, her fibroid reduced from 2 cm to 1.4 cm, and she lost 13 kg in weight. 
The most notable transformation occurred on an emotional level, as Hana developed a deeper connection with herself. Her energy levels improved, and she gained confidence in communicating her needs, setting boundaries, and advocating for herself. These changes allowed her to rediscover lost 'Parts' of herself, including her playful, professional and protective aspects.

Throughout her journey, Hana received unwavering support from our exceptional EndoBoss® team, including our dedicated endometriosis coaches like Head Coach, Maxine.

Wendy herself was involved, closely monitoring Hana's progress and providing guidance whenever needed. Hana specifically mentioned the tremendous impact of her Head Coach, Maxine, who supported, cheered, and guided her through challenging times. Their relationship initially faced hurdles due to Hana's childhood trauma, making it challenging for her to receive the compassion and kindness we knew she deserved. 

However, with Maxine's expert coaching approach and a growing sense of confidence, Hana was able to trust, relax and understand the profound value of their safe connection and the expert support offered. And then the healing began!
To download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips, learn more and start your EndoBoss® Journey go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #145 - Trust Your Instincts
Have you ever found yourself in a frustrating situation where the medical field fails to acknowledge your pain, despite your extensive research and relentless suffering? You're not alone.

In this podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the harsh reality faced by millions of women every day – the struggle to be believed after years, if not decades, of enduring excruciating pain.

 What's even more disheartening is that the very professionals who are supposed to offer guidance often exacerbate the situation by focusing on symptom suppression rather than addressing the underlying causes.

Antidepressants are prescribed, leaving women feeling dismissed and invalidated, as their pain is written off as imaginary. Some are even misdiagnosed with eating disorders when in truth, they are simply avoiding certain foods due to a lack of digestive support.

Many women are left feeling hopeless, desperately seeking effective treatments but met with ignorance or outdated approaches. It's crucial to trust your instincts above anyone else's opinions or advice when it comes to your health – your well-being depends on it.

If you're ready to embark on your own journey towards healing, visit https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips. Get ready to find hope, support, and empowerment as we explore the uncharted territories of endometriosis. Let's start this transformative journey - to heal naturally.

Episode #144 - Meet Leonie - ANOTHER EndoBoss Success Story 
Meet the lovely Leonie from Switzerland, who shares another inspiring EndoBoss® story.

Leonie is 21 years old, and when she reached out to us last year, she was suffering terribly every day with pain scores of 5-7, along with severe back pain, painful bowel movements, ovarian cysts, bloating, and ovulation pain in mid cycle, to name a few of the many symptoms that crippled her ability to live her life. 

Over the past nine months, Leonie has seen many significant and life-changing improvements, from stronger hair and nails, softer skin, the disappearance of Candida, improved and regular bowel movements, along with an improved digestive system. 

In addition, she has also seen her period pain scores reduce by over half, with no daily pain and only 1-2 at her periods. Her energy and sleep patterns have improved, along with her confidence and sense of self. 

Emotionally she is stronger in recognising how to protect herself whilst developing more skills in listening and identifying her personality 'parts' that need additional self-kindness, compassion and support. Leone has also learned how to put in new appropriate boundaries with those people who are disrespectful, unkind or toxic to her.

Leonie was surprised at how much the EndoBoss® Academy program helped her to heal emotionally and spiritually, which in turn, has helped reconnect her to her body in a new, healthy way and enabled her to understand it in a way she’s never known before. 

Leonie felt that the program was a nurturing and loving environment that she had not experienced before. She continues to work on some more emotional aspects to strengthen her connection to her body, as she still has a little way to go to be totally pain-free each month which is now in her sights.

It’s been inspiring to work with such a young and beautiful woman at the beginning of her life to directly inform, educate and inspire her. 

Leonie is now onto a new, healthy pathway and can understand the true meaning and messages behind any symptoms or pain showing up in her body - and how to take affirmative and impactive action.

Leonie felt she was surrounded by kindness, positivity, and a support system whilst she learned to recognise her value and worth in the world. She encourages any woman who has tried everything else to apply to work with the EndoBoss® Academy to help realign the relationship between their bodies and to become a boss over their endometriosis - an EndoBoss®.

To learn more go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips.

Episode #143 - Persistence, Patience & Parts
This week Wendy shares an extract from a group Q&A call from her Embracing Emotions program. In this extract, she discusses how the emotional component is integral to allowing for the whole body and whole person to heal.

Any form of disease, especially endometriosis, is a complex condition and affects all elements of a woman’s life and her body. By learning how to listen to her body and her emotions, she ultimately becomes a detective and that new art develops a new and empowering relationship. The woman is, over time, able to identify certain triggers from the 5 P’s and then learns how to become a boss of her endometriosis - an EndoBoss®. 

The key to success is Persistence (it may take up to 12 months to put into remission with expert support, and Patience (this process is not a quick fix but is a "long-term sustainable solution," which addresses the root causes of a problem and is designed to provide lasting and effective results) and Parts (listen to all parts of yourself - all parts make a whole).


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Start your new EndoBoss® journey by downloading the Top 5 QuickStart Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #142 - Meet Jessica - ANOTHER EndoBoss Inspiring Story
Meet the delightful Jessica from the USA, who, through an Essay she wrote at the end of EndoBoss® Academy, has agreed for Wendy to read out for this podcast. The Essay read by Wendy explains and shares another EndoBoss® Inspiring Story with Heal Endometriosis Naturally.

Jessica is a 40-year-old primary school teacher who, sadly, had to resign from her work due to severe levels of endometriosis pain. 

Fortunately, Jessica was determined to find a natural approach to healing and resisted pressure to proceed with an invasive surgical procedure that her gynaecologist promoted. She searched for solutions on Amazon and discovered Wendy's paperback book How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally and signed up for the website Top Tips.

Feeling inspired and hopeful, she watched the educational MasterClass Wendy held and was lucky to be offered a coveted place in the life-changing EndoBoss® Academy.

When Jessica first started working with Wendy and the EndoBoss® Team, she was in a lot of pain, with scores as high as 8-10 every day, with pain at ovulation and higher pain at menstruation. She also had other symptoms like spotting, breast pain, pain with bowel movements, adenomyosis, cysts, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, bloating, migraines, bladder sensitivity, lower back pain, etc.

Within a few months of starting her EndoBoss® Journey, her periods got shorter in length, with lighter blood flow, better skin on her hands and face (which previously had eczema), and better digestion. 

After 27 years of debilitating chronic abdominal pain, Wendy will share how Jessica learned the root causes of her suffering and now connects with her body, mind, emotions and spirit in a comfortable and empowering way for the betterment of her overall health.

As you may recall from previous EndoBoss® success stories, real physical healing only starts when the emotional elements are processed and addressed gently and lovingly over a 10-12 months period.

By paying close attention to what is going in, on and around the body and the brain (the brain/body connection), our expert team systematically help our EndoBosses process any upsetting events or elements from the people and/or the past.

This also includes helping women to identify and embrace their emotions and hear their underlying messages whilst encouraging them to install healthy firm boundaries for any toxic or trying people in their lives. These elements may operate on a deep, subconscious level affecting one's health - even for the most successful women in the business world.

The real secret to the whole brain/body healing is by using the 'Laidlaw Protocols' to support the challenging job of healing parts of the subconscious and emotions, which may hold 'hurts and harms' from the past, whilst also learning to embrace emotions in a new and empowering way.

Jessica trusted the EndoBoss® Process and saw many positive improvements in her body. She also experienced gigantic shifts in her sense of self, confidence, identity and ability to listen and trust her inner wisdom and instincts. She now recognises her innate personal value, self-worth and emotional strength.

Now, ten months on, Jessica has been to return to her work again at a local school and has a new and compassionate relationship with her body, mind and emotions. 

Whilst Jessica still has a little way to go to achieve her full ultimate pain-free goal, she has made significant shifts and improvements that she never thought possible, physically and emotionally, at the start of her EndoBoss® journey. 

Jessica knows that she is a BOSS over her endometriosis now and an EndoBoss® for life.

So we hope you enjoy listening to Wendy share Jessica's Essay as she generously shares her EndoBoss® journey so far.

Jessica is such a beautiful soul (much like many of our amazing EndoBosses), so we ask you to support her generously by sending her your love, cheers and congratulations on her courage!

You can get a copy of Wendy's book "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally" on Amazon https://amzn.to/3VHtraM

(*Get your FREE Audiobook Version at Audible https://adbl.co/3mk8O7C)

Episode #141 - Eliminating The Shame Game [with Lois Hollis]
This week, Wendy talks with the delightful Lois Hollis from the USA, who is the author and Founder of Shame Guilt, sharing the insidious nature of toxic and often subconscious emotional states of ‘shame guilt’.

The ‘shame game’ is prevalent in many elements of society, religion and relationships and may go on below the level of conscious awareness and be highly damaging to one’s health.

Fifty years ago, Lois was physically disabled and depressed and told she had only one or two years to live due to kidney failure and heart issues. 

Now, she is thriving at the ripe age of 80; she will celebrate her birthday rollerblading. She is a testament to how to reclaim your health and unlock it after dispelling and dispersing long-held displaced shame and guilt passed down through the ancestral line and projected from specific segments of society.

Lois has made it her life’s work to share with people suffering from long-term medical conditions and diseases how to easily hear and process any shame and guilt (shame guilt). This allows other feelings and pleasant emotional states to emerge, opening up the opportunity for physical, mental and emotional healing.

To learn more about Lois go to LoisHollis.com and download her free e-book and other video content.  

You can also go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs to learn more about the 21-Day Challenge ‘unblock Emotional Blocks’ to unlock trapped unpleasant emotions inhibiting your healing journey.

Episode #140 - Stranger Danger
In this week's Podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw talks about Stranger Danger.

"Stranger Danger" is a term normally used to educate children and young people about the potential dangers of interacting with complete strangers. The basic message is to be cautious of strangers and people in authority positions, especially when they are alone or by themselves.

However, this is also an important concept for women to remember when approaching any new health services professionals.

Women need to be aware of potential risks, such as exploitation, pressure or abuse and ensure that they interact with a trustworthy and competent professional who is the right fit for them and their needs.

Going slowly and taking time to listen to their instincts may minimise any potential risks of future physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harm.

To start your own EndoBoss® journey to empowerment, download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #139 - Cull The Clutter To Get The Clarity
This week Wendy K Laidlaw talks about the conscious act of 'culling clutter' or getting rid of unnecessary items and distractions in your mind, home and all areas of your life and how this may help improve one's physical and emotional health. 

Studies have shown that clearing old and unused items (that may have been hoarded and built up over time) declutters the mind and gives more energy to your body, home and life. 

Studies reveal that culling unnecessary clutter has been shown to reduce physical and emotional stress and anxiety, improve your organization and productivity, plus create a sense of calm and control in one's living or working space.

Learn more about joining the powerful 21-Day 'UnBlock Emotional Blocks' Challenge at https://embracingemotions.com/unblock_your_blocks_21_day_challenge

Episode #138 - UnBlock Emotional Blocks & Boost Immune System
This week, Wendy K Laidlaw shares a recent mini-masterclass that she held about how you can 'UnBlock Emotional Blocks' within an impactful 21-Day Challenge to start the New Year off with a positive boost!

Most women do not realise that the suppression of emotions may significantly affect our overall well-being, including our physical health, energy levels and immune responses.

Research suggests that we can positively impact our immune system by embracing and expressing emotions (in a safe, guided and considered way) rather than suppressing or denying them.

Studies have found that individuals who suppress or deny their emotions have a weaker immune response to stressors than those who express them.

So, this mini-MasterClass shares some of the impactful protocols, tools and secrets that Wendy has used herself and with clients to learn how to increase awareness and curiosity of both pleasant and unpleasant emotions over the years. These science-based approaches ultimately enabled her to increase her immune system's effectiveness, lower inflammation and decrease stress and anxiety - and put all of her conditions, including stage IV endometriosis, into remission.

Learn more about joining the powerful 21-Day 'UnBlock Emotional Blocks' Challenge at https://embracingemotions.com/unblock_your_blocks_21_day_challenge

Episode #137 - Meet Angharad - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Inspiring Story
Meet the amazing Angharad from the UK, who shares another EndoBoss® Inspiring Story with Heal Endometriosis Naturally & Wendy K Laidlaw.

Angharad is a 25-year-old Property Manager working in a busy property management company in England.

After fourteen years of suffering in terrible pain, today she will share how she learned the root causes of her pain, and how to connect with her body, mind, emotions and spirit in a whole new and empowering way for the betterment of her health.

When Angharad first reached out to Wendy and the EndoBoss® Team, she was in a lot of daily pain, with pain at ovulation and high pain at menstruation. She also had other symptoms like chronic fatigue, poor sleep, bloating, bladder sensitivity, lower back pain, kidney pain, etc.

Unfortunately, Angharad was encouraged to proceed with an invasive surgical procedure that her gynaecologist promoted. Yet, within a few weeks, all of her symptoms returned, and she was left feeling more alone and frightened.

However, Angharad's strength of character and determination showed through and she followed her hunch that "there had to be another way" of addressing endometriosis.

So Angharad searched online and discovered Wendy's paperback book How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally, (available on Amazon) and read it within a few days.

Feeling inspired and hopeful, she joined our incredibly impactful and supportive 21-Day Challenge to learn the secrets to starting her new EndoBoss® Journey - and self-care without guilt. Then she joined our Embracing Emotions online program and, upon successful completion, was offered a coveted place in the life-changing EndoBoss® Academy.

Within a few months of starting her EndoBoss® Journey, Angharad's eczema improved, pain scores and symptoms had significantly reduced, and she now, 8 months on, she has a new and compassionate relationship with her body, mind and emotions. 

As you may recall from previous EndoBoss® success stories, real physical healing only starts when the emotional elements are considered and addressed gently and lovingly.

By paying close attention to what is going in, on and around the body, and the brain, (the brain/body connection), our expert team systematically help our EndoBosses process any upsetting events or elements from the people and/or the past. This also includes helping women to identify and embrace emotions and hear their messages, whilst installing healthy firm boundaries for toxic people in their lives, as these elements may operate on a deep, subconscious level affecting one's health - even for the most successful women in the business world.

The real secret to the whole brain/body healing is by using the 'Laidlaw Protocols' to support the challenging job of healing parts of the subconscious and emotions, which may hold 'hurts and harms' from the past; whilst also learning to embrace emotions in a new and empowering way.

Angharad has bravely leaned in and trusted the EndoBoss Process and therefore experienced gigantic shifts in her sense of self, confidence and ability to listen to her inner voice and instincts. She now recognises her innate personal value, self-worth and unique emotional strength.

Whilst Angharad still has a little way to go to achieve her ultimate physical goal, I can share with you that she knows she is a BOSS over her endometriosis now, an EndoBoss® - and an emotional master and that healing is imminent.

So I hope you enjoy listening to lovely Angharad as she bravely and generously shares her EndoBoss® journey so far.

Angharad is such a beautiful soul (much like many of our courageous EndoBosses) and I ask you to support her generously for sharing this Podcast by sending her your love, cheers and congratulations on her courage!

You can get a copy of Wendy's book "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally" on Amazon https://amzn.to/3VHtraM

To start your own EndoBoss® Journey, go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs

Episode #136 - Tools To Tackle Toxic People
This week Wendy K Laidlaw discusses with Maxine, Head EndoBoss Coach, the 11 Types of Toxic People and how to tackle them with some unique approaches and tools.
Many women with endometriosis may not realise the impact a toxic person may have on their nervous, digestive, and immune systems.
Learning how to recognise the characteristics of a toxic person is the first step and then how to navigate your way to essential protection with personal boundaries.
You can get your FREE 'Top 11 Types of Toxic People' form by emailing our EndoBoss Team at Support@HealEndometrioisNaturally.ZohoDesk.com
Get started on your empowering journey by joining the 21 Day Challenge called UnBlock Emotional Blocks and get expert support, expertise and tools at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs

Learn more at : https://embracingemotions.com/challenge_unblock_your_blocks

Episode #135 - The Meaning of Mourning (& God Rest Our Queen)
Wendy K Laidlaw talks about the importance of mourning and the deeper meaning behind the process of grieving a loved one.

How in many parts of the world, mourning the passing of a loved one is more accepted and prevalent than it appears to be in the Western world.

With the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II and after the first memorial service which was held in Scotland, it became evident that women, children, and even grown men were deeply affected by her passing.

Although few knew her personally, it may have been that this official mourning period in the UK allowed some of the population to finally take time to mourn the loss of close loved ones who had long since passed.

A mourning period is meant to acknowledge a loss and integrate the blessings that person brought into the world.

To negate or ignore or block feelings of grief or hurry through the pain of loss may have profound emotional and long-term physical effects on the body.

Yet, with some simple science-based tools, one can be assisted in learning how to surf the waves of emotion rather than sink in the sea of them.

If you are ready to be gently challenged to 'Unblock Emotional Blocks', then make sure to join our incredible 21-Day Challenge than starts Monday 10th October 2022.

Learn more at : https://embracingemotions.com/challenge_unblock_your_blocks

Episode #134 - Better Than Twenty Twenty Vision
A question that Wendy is often asked by women with endometriosis (and adenomyosis) is "But are you out of pain and are you still healthy now?"

Yes is the answer!

Unlike some people parading in the endometriosis space online, Wendy has put all of her conditions in remission - and they remain in remission. Hence why she does what she does to this day.

So in an exciting confirmation of her continued health, Wendy shares the personal details of a recent eye test to prove the effectiveness of her Laidlaw Protocols.

Wendy is hosting a FREE MasterClass on Embracing Emotions which is available for only three days.

Register for 21 Day Unblock Emotional Blocks Challenge at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs

Episode #133 - Meet Esra - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Inspiring Story
Meet the wonderful Esra from Dubai (originally from Turkey) who shares her EndoBoss® Inspiring Story.

Esra was a Human Resources Manager prior to the Covid epidemic that affected everyone worldwide.

When Esra first reached out to us she was in a lot of pain at ovulation and high levels of pain at menstruation.

She also had ovarian cysts, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, bloating, bladder sensitivity, lower back pain, burning sensation in her abdomen and chest, along with an unrelenting pressure sensation in her throat.

Fortunately for Esra, her instincts directed her online to seek out another way, (other than surgery or drugs to try to manage her newly diagnosed endometriosis), so she luckily avoided any invasive surgical procedures being promoted by her gynaecologist.

Esra purchased my paperback book How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally, read it within a few days, then reached out to apply to join the life changing EndoBoss® Academy. 

Within six months of starting the EndoBoss® Journey, Esra's pain scores and symptoms had significantly reduced (or disappeared, much like her autoimmune disease called Sjogren syndrome), and she now has a new and compassionate relationship with her body. 

As you know, from previous EndoBoss® success stories, the real healing is about the emotional journey.

By addressing what is going in, on and around the body, and the brain, (the brain/body connection) we systematically help our EndoBosses process, gently, any upsetting events from the past and/or any toxic people in their lives, as these elements may operate on a deep, subconscious level affecting one's health.

The real secret to whole body and emotions healing, is using the Laidlaw Protocols to support the challenging job of healing parts of the subconscious which may hold hurts and harms from the past, whilst also learning to embrace the emotions.

Esra has experienced such gigantic shifts in her confidence and her ability to listen to her inner voice and instincts now, as well as recognising her full self-worth and strength.

Even though Esra has a little way to go to achieve her ultimate goal of full remission of her cysts (they take some time and require deeper emotional support), what I can share with you is that she absolutely knows that she is a BOSS over her endometriosis now; an EndoBoss® and an emotional master.

So I really hope that you enjoy listening to lovely Esra as she generously shares her EndoBoss® journey so far, as she is such a beautiful soul, much like all of our courageous EndoBosses!

To start your own EndoBoss® Journey go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs
Episode #132 - Are You Ready For A Challenge?
"Don't be at the mercy of your emotions; learn the message and meaning of them" Wendy K Laidlaw

This week Wendy shares how she is hosting a BRAND NEW and special UnBlock Emotional Blocks Challenge where, over 21 Days, she will be 'challenging' you to start to connect with your emotions in a NEW and safe way.

There will be 21 Days of pre-recorded specialist MasterClasses by Wendy, along with 21 daily Assignments, to help you discover the messages and meaning behind them within the deeper subconscious brain/body connection.

Universally, we are not taught how to notice or interpret emotions, let alone understand, embrace and master them.

This is an essential start to your EndoBoss® journey to make sure to learn more at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs

This LIVE Challenge starts on Wednesday 10th August 2022.

Learn more about the NEW 21 Day UnBlock Your Emotional Blocks Challenge Program at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs
Episode #131 - Natural Progesterone Truths with Dr Tony Coope
Wendy K Laidlaw welcomes back Dr Tony Coope (MD) from the UK to the Podcast where they discuss the truths and safety of natural bio-identical progesterone cream. 

“With endometriosis it’s not just about adding Progesterone. Without addressing the emotional and spiritual elements of your life, you cannot heal. That’s the conclusion I have come too”. Dr Tony Coope

There is often a significant amount of misinformation, misunderstanding and confusion amongst many women, including the mainstream medical realm, about the use and supplementation of natural bio-identical progesterone cream. 

Natural bio-identical progesterone cream is a safe way to naturally increase levels of the hormone progesterone (if it is low, or there is none showing up in tests).

However, natural bio-identical progesterone is often mistaken for the chemical alternative called Progestins, which are produced by the big pharmaceutical companies and may cause severe side effects for women with endometriosis. 

Dr Tony Coope has a wide breadth of experience and wealth of knowledge covering various health conditions spanning over 40+ years. He has trained and served in general practice, as well as a hospital doctor, covering the specialities of medicine, surgery, paediatrics, geriatrics and emergency/trauma medicine. 

After leaving general practice he explored an Integrated Medical approach to healing naturally including the use of nutritional supplements, bio-identical hormones, botanicals, as well as complex homeopathy and the use of sound and monochromatic light in healing.

He has specialised for over 20 years in female hormone health, incorporating psychology and psychosomatic elements of complementary medicine to assist a full brain/body health and healing.

Dr Tony Coope’s journey enabled him to branch further into spiritual matters, philosophy and metaphysics, which he believes expands an individual’s sense of meaning and purpose in the world, thereby leading to full health, wholeness and fulfilment.

*Please note* - it is recommended to address the emotional and spiritual elements of yourself, relationships and past events, first, (and The 5 P’s; Poisons, Produce, Products, Property, People & Past), prior to introducing any natural bio-identical progesterone cream. 

Sign up for the NEW & interactive live 21 Day Challenge with Wendy called ‘UnBlock Your Emotional Blocks’ starts Wednesday 10th August 2022. 

Learn more about the NEW 21 Day UnBlock Your Emotional Blocks Challenge Program at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs
Episode #130 - I Love That You're Emotional
This week Wendy K Laidlaw talks about the correlations between a recent televised court case showing openly the manipulation of a famous toxic person to another. 

Whilst the male gender is generally believed to be the dominant aggressor in some relationships, in this particular case it was the female. This is more common than many people believe.

Personality disorders, controlling and manipulative behaviour experienced by another person is often underestimated and the physical impact poorly understood by mainstream society. 

Wendy discusses how to get clear on identifying any unpleasant or toxic people in your life that may be triggering your nervous system (unconsciously) and/or inhibiting the immune system from working effectively to heal endometriosis naturally. She also shares what steps to take and how to gently start empowering yourself and your body in a super safe way.

Learn more about the 5 Weeks Embracing Your Emotions Program at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs
Episode #129 - Susceptibility of Vulnerability
Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the misconception of vulnerability in our modern day society.

Wendy questions the concept of vulnerability when the world has become self-obsessed and women are not taught how to protect themselves emotionally from others.

Wendy discusses more up to date concepts of emotional and spiritual protection being put first ahead of opening yourself up to unsafe and toxic people unwittingly.

Start your own emotional empowering journey at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips.
Episode #128 - A Gift 
(& Watch Out for Wolves)
Today Wendy K Laidlaw the fully updated & revised 2nd Edition, the "Endometriosis Naturally Cookbook with 131 Recipes" is finally launched today on Amazon worldwide.

After months of passion, dedication, drive and pure LOVE being poured into this book, Wendy is so proud to celebrate the launch, with a hope of further helping women with endometriosis to avoid any overwhelm or confusion about what to eat.

Sharing clean, tasty and healthy eating habits and recipes this paperback version of this book will be at 50% RRP on Amazon worldwide, for 24 hours, so make sure to grab your copy (whilst stocks last).
Learn more at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com⁠

Episode #127 - Drink Your Food
PODCAST Episode 127 of the Heal Endometriosis Naturally Podcast is up! This special edition episode titled ''Drink Your Food" and is associated with the upcoming 2nd Edition Cookbook which is due to be released on Friday 20th May to Amazon.⁠
The main topic of discussion is⁠ about, do you ever find yourself struggling to know what to eat and feel overwhelmed why the abundance of do’s and don’ts online for endometriosis?⁠
Our relationship with food may be a challenge on its own depending on any past associations growing up around the meal table.  So when you have a number of factors or fighting forces you may then end up grabbing the chocolate bar or bag of crisps to deal with the overwhelm.⁠
Wendy discusses a unique way to ensure you can easily ingest and digest good healthy food in a fun way and how easy and cost effective it can be, with the added bonus of feeding your body what it needs so it can start to heal.⁠
Wendy also talks about the release of her fully updated and revised Endometriosis Naturally Cookbook which is published this Friday 20th May exclusively on Amazon at 50% off the paperback for 24 hours.⁠
Learn more at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com⁠

Episode #126 - The Power of Protein
In this episode Wendy talks about the power of proteins and their essential role in helping the body heal.

Protein is a food, produce and substance of confusion, contention and which is regularly misunderstood, especially when discussing endometriosis.

Wendy discusses when she was in her teens, twenties, thirties and forties the concept of food fazed her. She always struggled with knowing what to eat, and whatever she ate, being able to digest it. Now in hindsight she is aware of the impact the nervous system has on digestion and how it needs to be a 'rest and relaxed' state to begin the digestive process of breaking down the food we eat.

Wendy always found food a faff and feared or fawned away from solid food preferring supplements as she grew up. But then realised her diet consisted of poor nutritional items like black coffee and a sugar laden fruit scone often ladled with copious amounts of butter and jam. Lunch would be a wheat bread sandwich with a small filling and supper some kind of pasta dish or pizza. It really is no wonder her body became ill. Yet she knew little about how to eat healthily. When she first heard the mention of eating protein more regularly was confused on how best to eat it. She found that protein wakes up her brain (especially when it is in a Power Shake) and makes her ready for the day. Are you ready to embrace the power of Protein in a new and empowering way to help support your body into a healing state?

Make sure to mark your calendar as *NEXT Friday 20th May* is when the "2nd Edition Endometriosis Naturally Cookbook" will be available on Amazon for 50% off for 24 hours and will show you the easy and fun way to incorporate more (powerful) protein into your life. 

Episode #125 - More Than Just Nutrition
Wendy K Laidlaw shares how to overcome any despair some women may experience when they have changed their produce, diet and eating habits, yet may not be getting the results physically that they seek.

Whilst there may be some very good reasons for this lack of progress at times, it is important not to give up on the endometriosis naturally journey.

Healing endometriosis naturally is, of course, based on much more than just nutrition (think The 5 P's) but to ensure you are not being 'fed' misinformation make sure to mark your calendar for when the fully revised and updated 2nd Edition Endometriosis Naturally Cookbook is released on Amazon globally on Friday 20th May 2022.

To learn more and start your own journey to approaching your endometriosis naturally go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your 'Top 5 Quick-Start Tips'. 
Episode #124 - 21st Century Gynaecological Is Stuck In The Dark Ages
Wendy K Laidlaw talks about the essential need to modernised, update and reassess the approach to the outdated and archaic gynaecological field, globally.

Some elements of the gynaecological procedures and approaches have not been modernised for almost 100 years; which is shocking in this modern day and age.   

In an era where humans can take a flight up into space and robots can be sent to planet Mars, more focused attention and direction needs to be considered in updating a new and non-invasive approach to women's pelvic health.

Some of the drugs and surgical procedures are downright dangerous and may leave irreversible side effects that women only find out about after the action or procedures have been carried out.  

More information needs to be shared with girls at a younger age to advise that pain with a period is not normal and education given to the positive and non-invasive approaches they can take themselves to avoid, prevent and reverse any pelvic pain.

Focus should be on blood tests for diagnosis and not surgical procedures. Education should be shared about the real risks prior to any treatment being carried out and the natural self help approaches discussed as an alternative to the medical mainstream.

To learn more and start your own journey to approaching your endometriosis naturally go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your 'Top 5 Quick-Start Tips'. 
Episode #123 - Meet Anita - Another EndoBoss® Success Story
#123 - Meet Anita - ANOTHER Success Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally with Wendy K Laidlaw
Meet the delightful Anita from Australia who shares another EndoBoss® Inspiring Story. Anita is an experienced secondary school teacher and also a nutritionalist.

When she first reached out to me she was bleeding six to nine days of the month with heavy clots, crippling migraines and intense lower back pain. She had debilitating lethargy and terrible fatigue, bloating, bladder sensitivity, distention in her stomach, chemical sensitivities, dragging sensations down her legs and intense anxiety.

Anita had tried a number of other modalities and approaches to heal including two surgeries. Unfortunately the medical procedures only increased her symptoms and she was left feeling quite mistreated by the medical field who were very dismissive of what was happening to her and her body.

Within 6 months of joining the EndoBoss® Academy, Anita's pain scores have halved.  Emotionally, she is the strongest she has ever felt and has had quantum shifts in her confidence, self-worth and purpose.
As you know, with all EndoBoss® success stories, it is about the emotional journey of addressing what is going in the body and the brain in relation to the past and toxic people as these things can operate on a deep subconscious level.

Even though Anita has a little way to go to achieve her ultimate goal, what I can share with you is that she absolutely knows that she is a BOSS over her endometriosis now; an EndoBoss®.

So I really hope that you enjoy listening to Anita as she eloquently shares her journey as she is such a beautiful soul.

To start your own EndoBoss® Journey go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs
Episode #122 - Celebrating International Woman's Day
As I write this, I am on a plane to London for what I call a ‘Self-date’.https://HealEndometrisisNaturally.com/Programs
A ‘self-date’ is a concept taken from the wonderful Julia Cameron’s book The Artist Way, in which a block of time is taken purely for oneself and by oneself.
For me, myself and I as some call it.
But how incredibly challenging a concept for many women.
I recall my own childhood of watching the women of many generations and their focus, attention, and actions.
My grandmothers were housewives and spent all their time fussing and fawning over various family members, especially the men.
My Granny Laidlaw was dispatched to boarding school (the REAL St Trinians) at the tender age of 5, when her parents, (my great grandparents), sailed off to live and work in India.

#peaceforukraine #HealEndometriosisNaturally #EndoBoss #WendyKLaidlaw
Episode #121 - Belligerent & Bombastic Bullies
In this podcast Wendy discusses the unsettling and disturbing nature of certain personality types in the world who care not for the welfare of their fellow humans but only their own selfish desires.

How certain belligerent and bombastic characteristics of bullies in power (like Putin) can cause abject and untold misery upon innocent people like the invasion into Ukraine.

Equally, many women with endometriosis may have toxic people in their workplace, friendship groups and family who will stop at nothing to get their own way - and how that might be affecting women's health and immune system.

To learn how to start to put in effective boundaries and personal protection for your physical and emotional health go to https://HealEndometrisisNaturally.com/Programs.

#peaceforukraine #HealEndometriosisNaturally #EndoBoss #WendyKLaidlaw
Episode #120 - Gobbling Others' Words
Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the influence others may have over your thoughts, feelings and actions on a sub-conscious level.

After a recent conversation with a business colleague Wendy noticed a new resistance to an activity that she had previously loved but didn't know why.

How often do you notice that the words of others become stuck in your head and become your own?

How do you know the difference between yours and another's voice?

And how do you separate from the words you may have gobbled up from others?

Listen to podcast to find out more.

To start your journey to own road to self-awareness, self-empowerment and to becoming a BOSS of your endometriosis then download your FREE Top 5 Quick Start Tips at 
Episode #119 - A Galentine's Gift
I felt inspired to share about a very special Galentine's Gift I have for you.

You see Valentine's Day can be a mixed bag of liquorice allsorts for many women.

The marketing departments across the globe put intense pressure upon the men to bestow gifts and flowers to their wives, partners and girlfriends. This is fine but I know of many women who are single and find this time of the year somewhat depressing if they find themselves single; happily or not.

So I want to offer you a different show of LOVE this Valentine's Day.

The 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss® Challenge has brought so many women (over 108) great joy, peace and relief from anxiety, as well as some physical improvements too, in a matter of a few weeks of learning how to increase their awareness and self-care routines.

And I want to make this as affordable as possible, so there are ZERO excuses for giving yourself some REAL, LASTING LOVE this Valentine's Day.

Episode #118 - Meet Nadja - Endometriosis Naturally Success Story
Meet the delightful Nadja from Germany who is now an official EndoBoss®!

Nadja is a highly successful engineer working within one of the world's top engineering companies.  Her strong work ethic and determination has served her well in her career but took their toll on her body.

After 20 years of struggling to manage endometriosis and reoccurring cysts on her own, and recognising that surgery was not helping nor preventing their return, she read Wendy's book "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally".

She liked how Wendy's book was different from many others in that it addressed the emotional aspect of the disease and took a holistic and whole woman approach to healing endometriosis.

Nadja took the first step on the EndoBoss® Pathway and signed up for the 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss® Challenge.  She enjoyed the gentle way in which the Challenge built on itself each day and how it shared how to incorporate essential self-care into her life without guilt. 

Nadja then graduated into the Embracing Emotions Program and again benefitted from the tools and tips on how to embrace her emotions.
Nadja's hard work paid off and she was offered a place in the EndoBoss® Academy 6 months program.

Different elements of the journey were covered like The 5 P's Poisons (Produce, Products, Property, Past & People) to further expand her understanding of why cysts and endometriosis had shown up in her body and why her immune system was struggling to put them in remission.
Yet, 11 months on, Nadja's dream of becoming an EndoBoss® has come true!  

Her monthly cycles are more regular with less pain and a recent visit to get an MRI scan showed her cyst of 7 cm is now less than 1 cm.  Despite being told she would have to have another surgery or a hysterectomy, she now knows how to work with her body to continue to put the cyst into a dissolved state and heal her endometriosis naturally. 

She has more energy than she could ever have imagined and a confident outlook and loves her body for the first time in her life.

As Nadja says
"If you do it on your own, it is really high probability that you will make some mistakes despite the huge effort you put on it...even something you consider a change in good direction could be exactly opposite...so, just take the pathway, the Academy and follow the program, which works".

To start YOUR EndoBoss® Journey join the 21 Day Challenge at 
Episode #117 - New Year New You
Wendy K Laidlaw shares how millions of people every year make New Year's Resolutions; yet almost 80% will have failed to keep them by February.

Learn how to start to make a concrete Resolution and how to maintain it to evoke real and lasting positive change in 2022.

To learn more on how to embrace super self-care, without guilt or shame, by joining the 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge.

Episode #116 - Santa Sent Flovid For Christmas
Wendy K Laidlaw shares the marvellous and unprecedented speed at which her body tackled a recent alien virus attacking her body and the steps she took to ensure she supported her immune system to support what it wants to do - which is, of course, too heal naturally.

To learn more on how to embrace super self-care, without guilt or shame, by joining the 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge.

Episode #115 - Merry Christmas
Wendy shares a special Christmas message for you this year.

To learn more about how you can start your new EndoBoss® journey go to
Episode #114 - Meet Julia - Endometriosis EndoBoss® Story
Listen to the delightful Julia from Germany. She is a qualified physiotherapist and a published author and is now one her way to becoming an EndoBoss®.

Julia suffered from endometriosis and cysts for over 4 years and experienced an increasing number of painful symptoms that she had to endure whilst teaching students at her university and attending to patients from her private practice.

Seeking a way out from her pain, Julia had 2 surgeries but these procedures sadly just made her worse. She was determined to be pain-free and this led Julia to find and read Wendy’s book ‘How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally’. Feeling inspired after seeing some positive results from adopting a few of the suggestions in the book, Julia then joined the 21 Day EndoBoss® Challenge in order to learn more about essential self-care and how to embrace her emotions.

Julia’s hard work and commitment paid off as she was offered a coveted place in the EndoBoss® Academy, which she has just recently completed.

Whilst she is still working towards being totally pain-free, Julia’s pain scores have reduced by half and she has gladly noted all these improvements below:
- her periods are now only 3-5 days long
- her intense shoulder pain is gone
- her breast pain gone
- a numb feeling in her right leg is gone
- she has better & improved regular bowel movements
- her digestive system has improved
- she has thicker hair, softer skin and stronger nails
- her energy levels have significantly improved
- her sleep has improved

What is more, she has been able to undergo some emotional work such as removing old and unhelpful beliefs about herself. Julia is now able to stand up for herself more in challenging situations and is more comfortable putting in firm boundaries of protection with toxic people who may try to push or trample over them.

This has helped in numerous ways and now Julia feels more confident, is making plans for the future and is generally feeling more optimistic. Most importantly, Julia has come to recognise her value, her true worth, and the power she holds over herself, her emotions, and her body!

Wendy & her EndoBoss® Team are so proud to say that Julia is now on her way to becoming an Unstoppable EndoBoss®!

To learn more about empowering EndoBoss® Pathway and start your own journey with Step #1:- 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss® Challenge go to:-
Episode #113 - Is Your Environment Healthy or Hostile?
Wendy discusses how many women underestimate the effects of the world around them and how to establish if your current environment is affecting your physical and emotional health.

Several research studies reveal how many aspects of your environment from your home, to work, to relationships can affect your health outcomes; mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Equally, if your environment is littered with toxic or attacking people then you may feel unsafe which will bring with it a great deal of stress and anxiety in the body inhibiting the immune system.

Start your own EndoBoss journey download your Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #112 - Alicia Patterson - Pelvic Health Expert
Listen to Wendy interview the lovely Alicia Patterson from the USA who is one of the world's leading experts and top somatic therapists in women's pelvic health.

Using a holistic and sensitive approach to women based on her own experience, Alicia enables women to embrace and understand their bodies better and uncover the messages it is telling them.

Alicia Patterson is a Licensed Professional Somatic Counsellor and Pelvic Health Therapist helping women process stored trauma through body-based therapeutic healing. She has also studied with Dance Movement Therapist and Body Psychotherapy, as well as a Licensed Massage Therapist and Pelvic Floor Therapy.

Alicia runs a thriving practice, works locally in Colorado, digitally and travelling, teaches training, facilitates events and women’s groups, and more.

To learn more about Alicia’s area of expertise in helping women go to https://www.alicianpatterson.com

Episode #111 - Louise - Endometriosis EndoBoss® Story
Meet the lovely Louise from UK who for over 20 years suffered from endometriosis but is now an EndoBoss®.

As an owner of her own hairdressing salon and a top hairstylist, she worked tirelessly on her feet every day enduring a myriad of physical symptoms. 

Then her husband ordered Louise my book ‘How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally’ and then she joined the 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss® Challenge to learn more about emotions and essential self-care and became our first placed Winner.

Her dedication and commitment paid off as she was offered a coveted place in the EndoBoss® Academy.

In the beginning, she had Bleeding 6-9 Days, Flooding, Blood Clots, Ovulation Pain (Day 14 +), Migraines, Lower Back Pain, Ovary Pain, Bladder Pressure, Pain on Urination, Night Sweats, Hot Flashes, Memory Problems, Poor Sleep, Chronic Fatigue, Weepiness, Depression, Lethargy, Bloating, Distended Stomach, Candida, Restless Itchy Legs, Chemical Sensitivities, OvarianCysts, Chocolate Cysts, Dragging Sensation Down Legs - To name just a few of the many symptoms

Now after 6 months of being a part of the EndoBoss® Academy with increased awareness, information, education and empowerment Louise says:

“I am calmer, my sleep patterns are better, I have more energy, I rarely have a headache, I am in almost no pain between periods, my skin is clear and bright, I have a more positive outlook on life, I have names for my different parts, my eating patterns are healthier, greener, more regular, I am able to observe the changes in my body with less anxiety, i have more confidence in my abilities and who I am."

"There have been dramatic changes in my periods and the flooding has definitely reduced even on the heavy periods. I have been able to have a full nights sleep during my period which is a miracle as I have usually been up every hour to change the sanitary pads with fear of bleeding through on the bed."

"I have only had x2 paracetamol in 7 months where I was using it every month prior to joining the programme".

Louise is now a BOSS of her body and an Alumni member of the exclusive EndoBoss® Tribe.

Download your Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #110 -Search For The Sacred Self
This week Wendy discusses the search for the sacred self that lies within everyone.  

Women with endometriosis invariably have given out of themselves to the extent they have no connection to their sacred self.

When you discover your sacred self, you awaken this hidden and dormant inner energy, and life force and let that guide your life. The word most commonly used to describe this inner force is "spiritual" or enlightenment.

Maybe you are already powerful but seeking your power from the wrong place and there’s a new intelligent way to decode your endometriosis experience. 

Hear some recent Q&A's at the end.

Download your Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #109 -Troy McTeer - Emotional Prowess with The Anomaly Architect
Listen to the wisdom of Troy McTeer from South Africa, who is one of the world’s leading experts in the mastery of the mind. 

Using a unique personalised approach, he guides ultra high performing professionals and leaders around the globe, on how to embrace their uniqueness and claim their sovereignty of thought in their field.

Many of the worlds' leading change-makers, throughout history, were once classed as an ‘anomaly'. Anomaly meaning these people felt outcasts, did not conform to societal rules nor think in the way others in the mainstream do.

Troy is the mindset master and architect in guiding men and women ‘anomalies’ to design the life they were meant to fulfil. He helps to uncover their mental prowess to step away from the suffocation of conformity, and break free from the chains society has put upon them. 

To learn more about Troy visit https://www.TroyMcTeer.com and to get in contact with him, email hi@TroyMcTeer.com
Episode #108 -  Make Younger You Proud
Would your younger self be proud of who you are today? 

Upon stumbling across an old photograph of herself aged 15 years old, Wendy recalls the old subconscious conditioning that surrounded the time when endometriosis first showed up.

However, she has since realised the deeper meaning and messages behind the 'dis-ease' that appeared in her body when she was powerless to change.

Now Wendy has uncovered the deeper elements behind what prevented her healing in the past but also the secrets to putting the condition into remission once and for all.

Register at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge starts on Monday 13th September at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge
Episode #107 -  A New Report; Old Methodologies
A new and upcoming women's health report is due to be published by the Scottish Government this week. It is expected to discuss the potential improvement of diagnostic procedures and treatment for women with endometriosis.

In this podcast, Wendy shares her hopes that the natural approach to addressing endometriosis will also be discussed over and above the mainstream gynaecological medical approach of painkillers, drugs and surgery.

With new Mitomic blood tests being trialled it is time to modernise and update old, archaic and invasive diagnostic surgeries to prevent women from further harm.

To learn how to start your new journey to becoming an EndoBoss® join the 21 Day Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge.

Episode #106 -  The Rise of the Rage Room
Wendy discusses how emotions like anger and rage may be the most feared and disowned emotions that are stored deep inside the unconscious. Equally, she explains the difference between unpleasant suppressed emotions and those used by toxic people to control others.

The rise of the rage room shares the safe and fun way to express universally disowned emotions like rage and anger that are socially rejected for women and how to connect to them safely.

Get personalised support on how to connect to all your emotions by joining the 21 Day Challenge which starts soon.

Episode #105 -  Super Strong Women
Listen to Wendy interview the inspiring entrepreneur Samantha Giraud, who is the founder of Strongwomen.live Summit and XAMAS Global Active Wear. 

Hear how she has overcome her own challenges and traumas to create this incredibly inspiring Summit bringing together over 39 women speakers.

Wendy was asked to speak and share her own success story along with many other women who have overcome great adversity.

Register for this FREE online Summit at https://bit.ly/Strong_Woman_Summit_FREE
Episode #104 -  Dr Paul Jenkins Power of Positivity
Wendy interviews the wonderful Dr. Paul Jenkins who is a clinical psychologist specializing in the science and practice of healthy and powerful positivity.

Dr. Paul empowers individuals, families, and influencers to go far beyond traditional therapy or 'positive thinking programs'.

He encourages people to create and live the life they love through powerful positive psychology processes. Dr. Paul recognizes that we have the power to influence our health by changing the questions we ask ourselves; which in turn improves our emotional and physical states.

Get a FREE copy of Dr. Paul's book 'Pathologically Positive' (just pay shipping) at https://drpauljenkins.com
Episode #103 -  EndoBoss Questions & Answer Part 2
“Knowledge is having the right answer. Intelligence is asking the right question.”

Listen to the second and final part from a recent EndoBoss Q&A that Wendy answered some of the top questions and shares her answers with you now to inspire, further and empower you on your own journey.

To get 21 Days of educational videos and learn what self-care really means and how it can help your endometriosis.

Join the 21 Day Challenge which is now open for registrants https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Episode #102 -  EndoBoss Questions & Answer Part 1
"The wise woman learns it is the right questions she asks that will lead her to health - never stop being curious about your body and emotions".

Wendy K Laidlaw and her team get hundreds of emails a month from women with endometriosis asking questions and she hopes that her books and podcast help to answer them.

During a recent program, Wendy answered some recent questions and shares the answers with you now to further your own journey.

The 21 Day Challenge to 'ultimate self-care and emotional support' is now open for registrants - starts September so make sure to secure your place at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Episode #101 -  Will Power Does Not Work
Wendy K Laidlaw discusses how the country and the environment that we live in and are around us, are far more powerful, stressful, and stimulating than we are consciously aware of.

Women with endometriosis are some of the strongest, most robust, and courageous people who unwittingly fight a silent battle every day with their bodies.

What they might not know is, that they might be unconsciously trying to control their environment, which is actually outwith their control - but by making small changes, increasing their awareness of people, places, and things (and journaling every day), they can start the transformation journey to becoming an EndoBoss®.

Start your journey and download The Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com 

Episode #100 -  Celebration & Embracing Emotions
As Wendy celebrates her 100th episode, she discusses the stories we tell ourselves that may have originated at the tender young age of 10.

When we embark on a new journey or are continuing along one that may be challenging it is natural to feel fear and resistance and question whether change is possible.

Change is an inevitable part of nature and life and the trick is to recognize that if our mind isn't expansive and fearless and open to change, then it is trapped in a condition within a story room we have created for ourselves.

The secret?

To seek to embrace change and recognize the power within you to effect the change you seek. 

Start your journey and download The Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com 

Episode #99 -  Fantastically Feeling Beings 
Feeling the feelings is something that many women with endometriosis struggle with, due to their high degree of empathy, compassion, and sensitivity to the overly stimulating world around them.

This extended sense and connection to the people, places, things around them, and their environment, maybe unknowingly be affecting women's nervous system and immune system.

After years or decades of learning to hide and suppress feelings learn the secrets on how to become a fantastically feeling being and learn the power within.

Start your journey and download The Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com 

Episode #98 -  Poppy The Perfect Pup
Wendy discusses 'conditioning' when, after training her labrador puppy called Poppy, she became aware of the deeper elements of conditioned behavior like 'overgiving' that may reside deep in our subconscious minds.

Conditioning is "the process of training or accustoming a person or animal to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances". But many times women are totally unaware of what they have been conditioned to think, say, or do; which in turn may be affecting their emotional and physical health.

To start your EndoBoss® journey join the 21 Day Challenge to become an Unstoppable EndoBoss®  at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Episode #97 -  Feel It, To Find It, To Flourish
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that almost 20% of the world's population is now on antidepressants. Women with endometriosis may be the largest group of people who struggle emotionally due to repeated failed surgeries and medical mistreatments.

Learning HOW to embrace emotions and understand the wisdom and messages behind them, enables women to start a new journey to Feel It, To Find It, To Flourish. 

Once you learn how to dissect your emotions then this enables you to gain back power and control of your body and life.

Learn HOW at the 21 Day Challenge which challenges you to understand what self-care really means and how to connect safely with unpleasant emotions and move them through.

To start your EndoBoss® journey join the 21 Day Challenge to become an Unstoppable EndoBoss®  at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Episode #96 -  Maxine ANOTHER SUCCESS Story
For many years Maxine, from the UK, had resigned herself to living with the high levels of chronic pain and symptoms from her endometriosis that wracked her body and debilitated her every single month.

However, after following Wendy's 'Laidlaw Protocols', and implementing the suggestions, Maxine is now pain-FREE every month, eliminated other symptoms, like candida and eczema, and has a new, healthy relationship with her body.

Maxine shares her inspiring SUCCESS story with you now.

To start your EndoBoss® journey join the 21 Day Challenge to become an Unstoppable EndoBoss®  at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Episode #95 -  Parts Understand the Whole
Wendy K Laidlaw discusses why there may be internal emotional conflicts at times and how to connect to the sub-personality 'parts' so you can understand the whole (or soul) of you.

By increasing your awareness you can learn to hear the more vulnerable, sensitive, and instinctive parts, which will ultimately help you learn how to connect to your body and hear what it needs to heal.

Start your new journey on the 21 Day Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Join 21 Day Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Episode #94 -  EndoBoss® Table Talk - Part 2
This week, in the second part episode, Wendy sits around the (Zoom) table, with a glass of sulfate-free wine and has an open and candid 'table talk' with two of her many successful EndoBosses, Sara and Marie from the UK.

Listen in as the three of them talk vulnerably and share their inspiring journeys; from being lost, in despair, and shrouded in confusion, to now having clarity of pathway, have become a 'Boss' of their endometriosis and now in complete control of their bodies and lives; an EndoBoss®.

The next 21 Day Challenge to ultimate self-care and emotional mastery starts on Monday 17th May. Register whilst spaces available at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge.

Join 21 Day Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Episode #93 -  EndoBoss® Table Talk - Part 1
This week, in a two-part episode, Wendy sits around the (Zoom) table, with a glass of sulfate-free wine and has an open and candid 'table talk' with two of her many successful EndoBosses, Sara and Marie from the UK.

Listen in as the three of them talk vulnerably and share their inspiring journeys; from being lost, in despair, and shrouded in confusion, to now having clarity of pathway, have become a 'Boss' of their endometriosis and now in complete control of their bodies and lives; an EndoBoss®.

The next 21 Day Challenge to ultimate self-care and emotional mastery starts on Monday 17th May. Register whilst spaces available at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge.

Join 21 Day Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Episode #92 -  Endometriosis Emotional Mastery  - Part 2
Listen to Part 2 of the Emotional Health Conference where Wendy was a special guest with presenter and host Miguel Diaz from the USA.

This is a two-part interview that Wendy shares how to explore emotional mastery, address emotional struggles, trials, and tribulations of life and offers guidance and inspiration towards personal emotional mastery of feelings and emotions.

Join 21 Day Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Episode #91 -  Endometriosis Emotional Mastery  - Part 1
Wendy was a special guest at the Emotional Health Conference with presenter and host Miguel Diaz from the USA.

This is a two-part interview that Wendy shares how to address emotional struggles, trials, and tribulations of life and offers guidance and inspiration towards personal emotional mastery of feelings and emotions.

Download your Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #90 -  Bee Sting of a Bully
Toxic people come out in their droves and Wendy K Laidlaw discusses how we've all had toxic people 'dust' us or 'drench' us with their poison. 

Being Emotionally Sensitive doesn’t have to hurt and Wendy reminds us of the steps we need to take to build our personal armoury and boundaries so the toxin bounces off.

Join the FREE 'Ultimate Emotional Health Summit 2021' and discover emotionally empower tools.

Get your FREE TICKET and register at https://UltimateEmotionalHealth.com/Summit2021

Episode #89 -  Dr Kim Jobst - Diseases of Meaning
Wendy K Laidlaw interviews the eminent Dr Kim Jobst who is a medical doctor, metaphysician, fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and member of the Faculty of Homeopathy.

His unique, whole body, mind and spirit approach encompasses the philosophy that disease is a healthy response of an organism striving to maintain physical, psychologic, and spiritual equilibrium - and should be understood to be a catalyst for positive, progressive and purposeful change.

Learn more about Dr Kim at https://www.drkimjobst.com/

Join Dr Kim at the upcoming Ultimate Emotional Health Summit along with 12 other special speakers as they explore their approach to emotional health.

Get your FREE TICKET and register at https://UltimateEmotionalHealth.com/Summit2021

Episode #88 -  Borrowed Belief & Butterfly
Wendy K Laidlaw talks about how to best support yourself emotionally when you start this new journey - by a term referred to called 'borrowed belief'.

Borrowed belief is going on the belief of someone else who has been in your shoes and had the success you seek. 

Also how the transformation of the caterpillar into the butterfly is dependant on its willingness to stop being a caterpillar so the transformation can begin.

The 2nd edition of How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally is NOW RELEASED on Amazon and available at 50% off for one day only (whilst stocks last). 

Episode #87 -  Beautiful Brain Body Connection
Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the integral connection between the deeper layers of the brain and its intrinsic link to the body.

Stemming from the primitive and oldest parts of the human brain, Wendy explains how deep suppressed trauma or mistreatment, perhaps originating back to childhood, maybe subconsciously triggering the nervous system and prohibiting the natural healing process.

(*The 2nd Edition of Wendy's Updated & Revised paperback book releases this Friday 12th March on Amazon with 50% off for one day only).

Start your journey by downloading the Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #86 -  Overcoming Abandonment
Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the natural and universal fear that many women have of abandonment.

She discusses what abandonment means and how to overcome that feeling to one of deep connection to self for ultimate safety and security.

(*The 2nd Edition of Wendy's Updated & Revised paperback book releases this Friday 12th March on Amazon with 50% off for one day only).

Start your journey by downloading the Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #85 -  Dianna Revisited 
Listen to one of my previous students, Dianna, from Canada. In this, I revisit her story, sharing how her healing journey began by reading Wendy's book 'Heal Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery'. 

Dianna would go on to be offered a coveted place in the EndoBoss® Academy and with determination and decisiveness, embark on a remarkable pathway and journey to heal her endometriosis naturally. She was able to put it in remission and even has the pictures to prove it!  

Dianna's journey to be pain-free all started with the book. So, start your NEW journey by grabbing a copy of the 2nd edition of Wendy's book (How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally) when it is released on Amazon on Friday 12th March!

Wendy's UPDATED & Revised 2nd Edition paperback book "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery" is due to be released on Friday 12th March 2021 on Amazon.

Start your journey by downloading the Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #84 -  Heart, Hurts & Hugs
Heartache and pain from past or present misinformation or mistreatment may be stuck in your heart. 

Wendy talks about how to reconnect and slowly let the old barriers of protection melt, with the installation of appropriate nurturing boundaries, to allow for self-healing of old hurts to be processed.

Self-nurturing and self-protection are not taught in schools and many women with endometriosis have over given their generous spirits to the point of depletion and old hurts remained stuck.

Wendy shares how to start the gentle journey of connection and release of the old pain, trauma and pain by simple but effective daily and nightly tools - to reconnect you back to your heart and heart's desires.

Wendy's UPDATED & Revised 2nd Edition paperback book "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery" is due to be released on Friday 12th March 2021 on Amazon.

Start your journey by downloading the Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #83 - Marie - Chronic Pain to EndoBoss® Coach
Wendy K Laidlaw continues to chronicle the success story and journey of Marie from the UK who has gone from chronic pain to an EndoBoss® Coach.

Marie started her Endometriosis Naturally pathway with Wendy after reading her book in 2018. She would make some progress but needed more support.

Marie would apply to work with Wendy and then be offered a place in the life-changing EndoBoss® Academy in 2020 and has recently completed her EndoBoss® Coach Training. 

She is still pain-free and is now helping other women with endometriosis with her Embracing Emotions EndoBoss® coaching.

Wendy's UPDATED & Revised 2nd Edition paperback book "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery" is due to be released on Friday 12th March 2021 on Amazon.

Start your journey by downloading the Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #82 - Stranger in a White Coat With a Stethoscope
Wendy discusses the various types of people out in the world who have immoral intentions upon others.

Despite blatant evidence of wrongdoing, many people are masked by accolades (like a title or a position) and often protected by those who are 'conditioned' to only see good in everyone. As such, these individuals aren't held accountable for their destructive actions and may continue to take advantage of vulnerable and unsuspecting women.

Many women are too trusting of complete strangers to stop listening to their instincts, underestimating the impact that other people may have on their decisions and health.

The way to counter this and ensure self-protection is through the art of journaling every day in the morning. Wendy has created the Endometriosis Naturally Morning Wisdom Journal and it is on at a specially reduced price for her listeners for the next 3 days and available on Amazon.com https://amzn.to/3tWdfFd or Amazon.co.uk https://amzn.to/3pdGIqA

Episode #81 - Surpass The Shame & Jettison The Guilt
Wendy interviews Lois Hollis a retired RN Nurse, filmmaker and pioneer in teaching the subversive and subconscious nature of the projected emotions; Shame and Guilt or Shame Guilt.

Listen as Lois shares examples of how these unpleasant emotions, perhaps handed down through the generations, can be simply and succinctly released from your body, mind and spirit.

To learn more from Lois and download your FREE copy of eBook called "The 250 Questions & One Answer", go to https://LoisHollis.com

To apply for 1-1 coaching within EndoBoss® Academy please go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com

Episode #80 - Endometriosis Educational MasterClass - BONUS Part 4
Listen to the BONUS Part 4 section of an exclusive recording of Wendy's special Endometriosis Educational MasterClass which she hosts a few times a year, 'LIVE' for her students.

This inspiring, informative and educational MasterClass will be shared over the Podcast in 4 parts. Enjoy!

“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” ― Oscar Wilde.

To apply to EndoBoss® Academy please go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com

Episode #79 - Endometriosis Educational MasterClass - Part 3
Listen to Part 3 of an exclusive recording of Wendy's special Endometriosis Educational MasterClass which she hosts a few times a year, 'LIVE' for her students.

This inspiring, informative and educational MasterClass will be shared over the Podcast in 3 parts. Enjoy!

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance"       
Derek Bok, President of Harvard University

To apply to EndoBoss® Academy please go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com

Episode #78 - Endometriosis Educational MasterClass - Part 2
Listen to Part 2 of the exclusive recording of Wendy's special Endometriosis Educational MasterClass which she hosts a few times a year, 'LIVE' for her students.

This inspiring, informative and educational MasterClass will be shared over the Podcast in three parts. Enjoy!

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
Brigham Young

To apply to EndoBoss® Academy please go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com

Episode #77 - Endometriosis Educational MasterClass
- Part 1
Listen to an exclusive recording of Wendy's special Endometriosis Educational MasterClass which she hosts a few times a year, 'LIVE' for her students.

This inspiring, informative and educational MasterClass will be shared over the Podcast in 3 parts. Enjoy!

"Education is the one thing they can't take away from you" 
Dr Martin Luther King Jr

To apply to EndoBoss® Academy please go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com

Episode #76 - Stop Being A Seed
Wendy talks about how Endometriosis is NOT a life sentence.  Learn how toxic people may dull your shine and keep you forced in the shadows through shame. Yet, like a seed that needs to go down into the ground, you hold so much more potential than you think. Given the right environment, encouragement and support, you will heal, grow and prosper.

As a New Year beckons, it is time to re-examine the choices that are available to you, that will not only help you identify and eliminate the poisons but help you to grow and find our wings and fly. 

Applications are now open for the life-changing and science-based online education program EndoBoss Academy.  

Episode #75 - One Wise Bear
Forget the Three Wise Men - Listen to the One Wise Bear with advice on how to overcome anxiety and emotional issues.

Wendy K Laidlaw interviews Scott Cranfield, a highly acclaimed Mentor, Author & Speaker who has coached at the highest level for over 30 years, appearing on TV, radio, magazines.

He addresses subjects from life coaching and family relationships, to sport and business. Scott is the author of The Wise Bear Stories; a collection of personal development stories to help parents, teachers and children overcome emotional challenges and anxieties that they face today.

The common thread throughout Scott's coaching career has been an obsession to find a better, natural and sustainable way, to gain new perspectives on addressing and dissolving some of the negative emotions people struggle with every day.

Episode #74 - Analysis Paralysis & A Perpetuating Perfectionist
How often have you wished to get started on a project or pathway but felt blighted by over-analysis that prevents any progress and then when you do push through feel perturbed by an over zealous perfectionist?

Wendy discusses how she recently overcame these challenges as she continues in her mission to millions to share that Endometriosis is not a life sentence and the power we have within.

Embrace your own change by downloading your Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #73  - The Gift of Grief
"Grief is not a disorder, nor a disease or a sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve". Earl Grollman

Grief is a natural human response to the loss of someone or something to which a strong bond or firm affection has been formed. Yet, in our fast-paced, very demanding world, little time is often made to allow for the natural healing process and to acknowledge the pain and sorrow. 
This in turn enables a build of distress and anguish to build up inside the body and brain causing other physical and emotional issues. Read how Wendy has recently been moving through her own recent loss, AND how there was a surprising gift that presented itself for doing so.

Embrace your own change by downloading your Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #72  - Family Values Secrets

Wendy talks with Podcast hosts Odalys and David Hart on their Family Values Podcast about what makes a 'good enough' parent - and discusses her 'secrets' and philosophy around the rights of a child, bringing up a happy little human and nurturing the delicate spirit of children for their ultimate emotional and physical health. 

Remember to subscribe and you can also help support Wendy's mission to empower and heal women by rating this podcast at https://ratethispodcast.com/healendometriosisnaturally

Embrace your own change by downloading your Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #71  - Change is A-Foot

Wendy discusses the potential challenges with the prospect of change.
When our ego wishes to stay stuck in a velvet rut yet our soul wishes for us to grow we may feel the shifts in the sand under our feet and fear what Change may bring.  
Learn how to embrace change and tap into your own wealth that lies within and step forward a-foot into it.

Embrace your own change by downloading your Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #70  - Sara -ANOTHER Success Story - EndoBoss® Style

12 months ago Sara, from the UK, was questioning whether life was worth living as the pain and symptoms from Endometriosis wracked her body.

However, after reading Wendy's book, 'Heal Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs' or Surgery' and implementing the suggestions, Sara is now pain-FREE and able to start to plan for the first time in her adult life.

She shares her inspiring SUCCESS story with you now.

Get your FREE paperback book of 'Heal Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs' or Surgery' (worth $19.97) at https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyBook.com and just pay shipping £8.95.

Episode #69  - This Is Empowerment - EndoBoss® Style

How To Step Away from Domestic Abuse & Emotional Mistreatment, Slowly, Safely and Securely - EndoBoss® Style.

Wendy K Laidlaw concludes her 'This is Domestic Abuse' series.

She discusses how women can empower themselves from toxic people and slowly separate if they do believe they are in a toxic relationship.

Learn some of the top tips and tools to securely start to ensure a safe detachment and how to safely embrace emotions and feelings.

Join the empowering and impactful 21 Day Challenge and start a new EndoBoss® journey today at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge.

Episode #68  - This Is Domestic Abuse - Part 2

Wendy K Laidlaw continues with Part 2 of the 'This is Domestic Abuse' series.

Emotional mistreatment of women may often occur in the home; a place where she is supposed to feel safe and secure. 

Yet the Office of National Statistics (ONS) estimates that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 children may experience various forms of domestic abuse in their lifetime. 

Wendy continues to explain what emotional mistreatment is and how to identify it. She shares information and education for women with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis to start to increase awareness of what is acceptable and unacceptable treatment from partners and/or other people around them.  

This subconscious degradation on a woman’s psyche and spirit may also seriously damage her emotional health, physical health and perhaps explain some prolonged illnesses. Sustained unkind treatment may hinder and prevent the natural healing process in the body from occurring.

If you feel you have been affected by this topic the best antidote is to empower through information and education.

Please email us Support@HealEndometriosisNaturally.ZohoDesk.com if you wish to receive more details and resources.

Equally, her son is raising funds to help build a refuge home for women and children to escape domestic abuse in the UK and if you wish to contribute to the cause then go to https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/SebastianAnderson1

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Episode #67  - This Is Domestic Abuse - Part 1
Domestic abuse is reported to occur in 80% of households in the western world according to the World Health Organisation.
This corrosive form of mistreatment is estimated to affect 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 children whilst having a profound impact on their physical and emotional health.
Wendy starts a three-part podcast series where she explains what abuse is, and in particular what domestic abuse is, the various forms of abuse, how to identify it and most importantly, how to empower yourself, safely extract and escape from it for life.
George Floyd's brutal murder raised to the surface the various forms of abuse many segments of society face. With the recent protests, rallies and riots over Black Lives Matter, it has highlighted again the bigoted and abusive nature of some toxic people that run throughout the veins of our society.
To combat all forms of abuse and mistreatment it is important to increase awareness, provide information and education to inspire people of all skin colours and backgrounds to take back their right for a safe home and life and provide a pathway out of suffering and into empowerment.
If you are affected by this content please visit StopDomesticAbuse.uk for more details or the take the FREE "Toxic Person Test" by emailing Support@HealEndometriosisNaturally.ZohoDesk.com

Read transcript and blog at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Blog

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Episode #66  - Marie - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Success Story
It is a joy to share ANOTHER Heal Endometriosis Naturally success story of Marie from England, UK.

Marie is a highly respected immigration officer working within the British government and managing teams of people in unpredictable highly stressful situations. 

Marie has the typical archetypal strong personality of a woman with Endometriosis, which consists of great tenacity, dedication and love for her job.  All these qualities helped her rise to the top of her profession but sadly it took a toll on her body. What the outside world and her work colleagues didn’t see was all the pain and suffering she endured behind closed doors for almost 20 years. 

However, Marie recognised that she needed specialised support and guidance to finally get to the root of her Endometriosis, so took that leap of faith and applied for a place in the EndoBoss® Academy 22 weeks program 6 months ago. 

When Marie started her symptoms were many and whilst she was stoic in her approach the pain and symptoms were debilitating.

But NOW 6 months later, she is a BOSS of her Endometriosis; an EndoBoss®!

Apply now at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com 

#endometriosis #healendometriosisnaturally #wendyklaidlaw #endoboss

Episode #65  - Seven Signs of a Snake
Every day women with Endometriosis may be feeling the subtle, yet subversive, ill effects of living with or encountering a snake; of the human-kind. 

What is under-appreciated in many societies is how covert and toxic behaviour from those around you may be affecting your health on a subconscious level. 

Learn about the seven signs to help identify a toxic snake in your life. Then, most importantly, learn the seven steps to put in boundaries and protect yourself.

To start your new journey download your FREE Top 5 Quick-Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

#endometriosis #healendometriosisnaturally #wendyklaidlaw #endoboss

Episode #64  - Joanna - *Another EndoBoss® BABY Is Born!*
Another EndoBoss® Baby is born! It is with great joy that I share how Joanna from the USA comes on to the show to introduce the birth of the beautiful Gabrielle, her 7-month-old baby girl.

Gabrielle is the baby girl that medical professionals said Joanna would never have. As she sits adoringly on Joanna’s knee, Joanna also shares her continued pain-free body and life as an EndoBoss®.

When Joanna first joined she was in severe debilitating pain, 8 out of 10 days, and had resigned from her full-time teaching profession. 

She was depressed and anxious and frightened. 

Yet six months later she had reduced and eliminated her Endometriosis pain and cysts.

You can see a photograph of her intestines showing the evidence of what healing naturally can do with the Laidlaw Protocols. (Before and after photographs are available here https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com
With her body clear of Endometriosis and cysts, Joanna fell pregnant some months later with Gabrielle.

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Episode #63  - Bronwyn - *Another EndoBoss® SUCCESS Story*
Bronwyn from Tasmania, Australia had suffered from Endometriosis, high debilitating pain of 8-10 and depression amongst many other symptoms for over 15 years.

Bronwyn reached out to Wendy after reading her paperback book (Heal Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery) and then she took part in the online 21 Day Challenge and came through as the Winner. She then applied and was offered a place on the life-changing EndoBoss™ Academy (12 Week Foundation Program and 10 Week Advanced Program) and Advanced Plus Program - and began her transformation.

Now, only 11 months after starting to work with Wendy K Laidlaw, and following the 'Laidlaw Protocol's, Bronwyn is pain-FREE from Endometriosis, constipation, back pain, chronic fatigue and depression.

This was something she only dreamed about before and has been able to start to plan again as an EndoBoss®!

Episode #62  - Keep Calm In A Corona Virus Crisis
As the Coronavirus crisis deepens Wendy talks about what positive steps you can take to keep calm in the crisis, feel reassured, strengthen your immune system and manage any mayhem in your mind.

We will all get through this stronger and wiser!

To your health!

Episode #61  - A Tickle, A Brick Or A Truck
Wendy discusses the essential nature of proper self-care for women with Endometriosis and how early conditioning may set up unhealthy patterns.

By learning to identify old beliefs and increase awareness the relationship between brain and body can change for the better.

To download your FREE Top 5 Quick-Start Tips go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com.

Are you ready for change and to learn how to put the condition into remission? Apply at https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com

or Join 21 Day Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com

Episode #60  - Christina Message 
*Another SUCCESS Story*
Christina from USA had suffered from Endometriosis, daily debilitating pain and depression for over 8 years.

Christina reached out to Wendy after reading her paperback book (Heal Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery) and then completing the online 21 Day Challenge. She was then offered a place on the life changing EndoBoss™ Academy (12 Week Foundation Program and 10 Week Advanced Program) and began her transformation.

Now, only 10 months after starting to work with Wendy K Laidlaw, and following the 'Laidlaw Protocol's, Christina is pain-FREE from Endometriosis, constipation, back pain, chronic fatigue and depression.

This was something she only dreamed about before and has been able to make plans to go skiing and holiday in Hawaii.

Are you ready for change and to learn how to put the condition into remission? Apply at https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com

or Join 21 Day Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com

Episode #59 - Happy Galentines Day
Every year Valentines day pops up with promises of fairytale love and fantasy heart raising joy. But if your relationship feels empty or you are single this February 14th - then consider celebrating Galentines Day instead.

Self love is an important part of healing your body and letting go of guilt for putting yourself first.

Download your Top 5 'Quick Start' Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com 

Episode #58 - Believing Mirrors
Ophra Winfrey had one, Tony Robbins had one and so did some of the most accomplished and successful people in history have one.  What is that one thing? A 'Believing Mirror".

Hear how Wendy discusses her recent awareness of the importance of having such people in your life as you start or continue your own healing journey.

Download your Top 5 'Quick Start' Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com 

Episode #57 - Tinsel, Tears & Trauma of Christmas Past
In this week's podcast Wendy K Laidlaw talks about the extreme marketing and commercialism of Christmas in the Western world. 

How the message about 'happy families' may be skewed by the realty of many women with Endometriosis either spending it around toxic people or spending it alone.  

Wendy offers some top tips to get through this emotionally loaded day and how to keep you number 1.  

Download your Top 5 'Quick Start' Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com 

Episode #56 - Toxic Toads & Trolls
Wendy K Laidlaw shares her beliefs about how 'toxic toads and trolls' may cause undue harm and hurt to many unsuspecting people in our world. 

But how women with Endometriosis & Adenomyosis, who are highly sensitive, have huge hearts and bright lights, need to learn how to put boundaries in place to protect themselves.  

Then after women have learnt how to put their Endometriosis condition into remission, learn how to focus on their true purpose and future pathway. 

To learn more or to jump start your heal Endometriosis naturally journey download your FREE Top 5 Quick Start Tips go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #55 - Jessi Jean - 
Fighting Food Demons.
Listen to Wendy K Laidlaw talk with Jessi Jean who is a health and fitness coach. Jessi conquered a decade long battle with her relationship with food, eating disorders and body image struggles that led her to understand the value of freedom & proper nutrition.

To download your Free Eating Personality Style at https://www.conquerbingeeating.com/

To jump start your heal Endometriosis naturally journey download your FREE Top 5 Quick Start Tips go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #54 - Mojca's Message - 
*Another SUCCESS Story*.
Mojca from Slovenia had suffered from Endometriosis & cysts for over 5 years and ended up bedridden for 23 days of the month and housebound with debilitating pain.

Mojca reached out to Wendy after watching the FREE Web Class Webinar and completed the 21 Day Challenge. She was then offered a place on the life changing EndoBoss™ Academy (12 Week Foundation Program and 10 Week Advanced Program).

Now, only 7 months after starting to work with Wendy K Laidlaw, and following the 'Laidlaw Protocol's, Mojca is pain-FREE from Endometriosis, cysts, constipation, back pain and chronic fatigue.

This was something she only dreamed about before and plans to go from house bound to horse back riding!

Mojca also had the added benefits of improved skin condition (loss of wrinkles), thicker hair, stronger nails, greater value of self, more confidence and finally being able to put on weight so she has more energy to play with her son Tim Mark.

Are you ready for real change and to learn how to put the condition into remission? Apply at https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com

or Join 21 Day Challenge at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge

Episode #53 - Band Of Bullies - 
When you feel like giving up...
Wendy talks about to do when you feel that Endometriosis is overwhelming, people around you are bullying you and feel like giving up.

How 'Bullies' masquerade in many forms and prey on women with Endometriosis. Learn how to protect and support yourself against them.

Endometriosis is a multiple level and complex condition affected by The 5 P's (Poisons) in society.

When you are ready to take action join the 21 Day Challenge where you get a FREE paperback copy of Wendy's book and digital Companion Workbook. https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge 

Episode #52 - Good Food For Life - Lydia Puller
We all know that we are what we eat but equally how slipping into bad eating habits can make you sick and your body more inflamed.

Wendy talks with Lydia Puller who is a plant based expert, who shares her story of how she transformed her health after swapping from the packaged and preservative filled 'dead' food to super tasty 'live' green food - for a lot less money than you might imagine. 

Learn more about Plant Based Food For Life with Lydia at https://www.plantbasedfoodforlife.com 

To learn more and start your own natural healing journey download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com
Episode #51 - The 8 Legged Octopus
Anxiety and depression may be common symptoms with Endometriosis; which given the debilitating nature of the condition it is really not that surprising. However, Wendy shares the simple effect tips she uses to allow her to say good-bye to these symptoms along with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis - naturally. 

To learn more and start your own natural healing journey download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com
Episode #50 - Dr Tony Coope (MD)
Wendy K Laidlaw interviews Dr Tony Coope (MD) from the UK who has over 20 years experience in general practice, as well as a hospital doctor, covering the specialities of medicine, surgery, paediatrics, geriatrics and emergency/trauma medicine. 

Many years ago Dr Coope left general practice to explore an Integrated Medical approach to healing naturally including the use of nutritional supplements, bio-identical hormones, botanicals as well as complex homeopathy and the use of sound and monochromatic light in healing.

To learn more and start your own natural healing journey download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com
Episode #49 - Are You A Rain Drop?
Wendy shares the parable of The Little Raindrop; a lovely tale of how the raindrop over comes its fear, anxiety and trepidation - to become something even more magical.

Do you believe that Endometriosis (or Adenomyosis) has shown up in your body for a reason or greater purpose?

Perhaps you are on the wrong path so the aim is to listen to your instincts and listen to the small voice within - and learn how to take back your power.

To learn how to use some legendary powerful yet simple tools that support this exciting healing process, and join the 21 Day Challenge which starts Monday 5th August 2019. 

Join the Wait List at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge.

Episode #48 - Tim Shurr - Power Of Your Mind
Wendy interviews Tim Shurr who is an author, world renowned TedX speaker and influential coach on Mind Control.

Are you curious how to control your (monkey) mind, unsettling thoughts and uncomfortable feelings?

Some women with Endometriosis have had unsupportive and destructive upbringings perhaps in a toxic family environment. Combined with The 5 P’s (Poisons) some don’t get the support and love they deserve leaving them feeling lost alone and depressed.

However you have much more control than you know. It wasn’t your fault growing up but now you came make some positive impacts to help relieve distress. 

Learn how to increase your awareness of your current mindset by discovering some amazing tools to help you positively change your thoughts on the fun and positive 21 Day Challenge.

Join the Wait List at https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge.

Episode #47 - Stacey - 3 Years & Thriving
Wendy K Laidlaw interviews Stacey from USA some 3 years after she finished the 12 Week Online Foundation Program to see that she is still thriving - and share in her continuing progress.

Stacey was also interviewed a few years ago after she had successfully eliminated her Endometriosis, pelvic pain, bladder pressure and infertility - and a few months afterwards fell pregnant with Madeline - the beautiful baby girl that doctors said she would never have.

If you are ready to learn the secrets to change your body and life, then applications are now OPEN for a few days for the 12 Week Foundation Program which starts soon. Apply at https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com

Episode #46 - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
How to protect yourself from medical wolves…

Following the recent arrest in America of 60 doctors and pharmacists for over prescribing opioid medications, learn how to protect yourself in future and discern between those who have your best interests and those who don’t.

A special Do’s & Dont's With Doctors has been created for this podcast. If you would like to receive a free copy please email Support@HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and title the email "FREE Download".

Episode #45 - Dr Sarah Myhill (MD)
Wendy interviews the world renowned medical doctor Sarah Myhill from UK. Dr Myhill is a British doctor running her own specialist M.E./Chronic Fatigue clinic in Wales and author of 8 books.

Dr Myhill personally assisted Wendy in the final stages of her journey in diagnosing a Mitochondrial dysfunction using a pioneering blood test she developed with a private lab.  

Wendy previously had one of the lowest mitochondrial scores Dr Myhill had seen in her career, yet Wendy was able to come back from the depths of near organ failure to help other women around the world heal naturally. 

Start your new journey by downloading the Top 5 'Quick Start' Tips at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com 

Episode #44 -  Liking Yourself
Wendy discusses the pathway to liking yourself and the importance of it in your healing journey.  Sometimes history and conditioning project toxic and false beliefs upon you and now is the time to replace them with positive and empowering ones.

To start your new empowering journey by joining the waiting list for the next EndoBoss Challenge at Https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge.

Episode #43 -  Tali's Yoga
Wendy interviews one of her Yoga teachers, Tali from Edinburgh, who shares the secrets and benefits of the practise of Yoga; and how it helped her heal her mind and body on her own journey.

You can learn more about Tali's Yoga at https://www.talisyoga.com

Ready to get started on your healing journey? Download your FREE Top 5 'Quick Start' Tips at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com.

Episode #42 -  Exercise & Endometriosis
Ever wondered what to do about exercise when you have Endometriosis and are suffering pelvic pain?  

Wendy answers all your questions and gives you some suggestions and guidance on how to work with your body.

Ready to get started? Download your FREE Top 5 'Quick Start' Tips at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com.

Episode #41 -  New Mitomic Test - Hope Saves Lives
The recent announcement by MDNA Life sciences that they have developed a new blood test to diagnose Endometriosis, has raised hopes for millions of women and is expected to be available by the end of 2019.

Wendy has received many questions from followers and has prepared a special FREE Q&A report to share her hopes about how this advancement may benefit you (if you are struggling to get a diagnosis), your daughters and granddaughters. 

Download FREE report at https://www.healendometriosisnaturally.com/mitomic-free-report

Episode #40 -  Meet Gratitude Guru, Carla White
Wendy K Laidlaw interviews The Gratitude Guru, Carla White, who talks about the positive and impactful nature of journaling and giving gratitude to what is going well in our lives.  

At a time where your body may feel out of control, start to direct more of your attention to what you can influence to help start your new journey to healing naturally.

Download Carla's App 'The Gratitude Journal on iTunes.

Download your FREE Top 5 'Quick Start' Tips at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #39 -  Sensitivity Is Your Strength
"You Are Too Sensitivity" is a phrase that is often thrown around like it is a bad characteristic for a women with Endometriosis - yet hear how that sensitivity helped Wendy, and may help you, to be the gateway to a pain-free body and learning how to put Endometriosis into remission...

Download your FREE Top 5 'Quick Start' Tips at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

Episode #38 -  I Think About You All The Time
Wendy shares how her mind is constantly consumed with thoughts of how to SHARE her incredible success of putting Endometriosis and Adenomyosis into remission after 33 years - and now she is helping other women around the world achieve the same results.  

Download your FREE report called the 'Top 5 Jump Start Tips' at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com 

Episode #37 -   Dr TJ Woodham Interviews Wendy
Dr TJ Woodham on his podcast called the Unleashed Human as he is astounded by the pain and suffering women with Endometriosis have had to endure.

Wendy share her strategies, principles and Laidlaw Protocols that have helped her put her Stage IV Endometriosis and Adenomyosis into remission - and how she is helping women all over the world do the same.

Join Wendy on the next 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss Challenge for 21 Days for FREE coaching and FREE paperback book at Https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge.

Episode #36 - Dr Melissa Kalt (MD)
Listen to Wendy K Laidlaw interview Dr Melissa Kalt who is a medical doctor from USA who has helped many women regain energy after chronic fatigue, find greater clarity in their lives and their purpose, whilst keeping the body in balance and in health. Read Dr Melissa's book at Releasethesymptoms.com or find out more at Melissakaltmd.com.

To learn more about how you can get more specific help with your Endometriosis naturally join our 21 Day Challenge and get your FREE paperback copy at Https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge
Episode #35 - Julie Cassidy - Another Success Story 
With Heal Endometriosis Naturally & Wendy K Laidlaw
Julie had suffered from Endometriosis for over 20 years and had been bedridden with debilitating pain and IUD side effects for almost 18 months - now she is pain-free and symptom-free.

She reached out to me after watching the FREE Web Class Webinar and joined the life changing online 12 Week Foundation Program where she continued onto the 10 Week Advanced Program.

Sign up Now to start your journey on a new path.

Spaces are limited go to Https://EndoBoss.com/Challenge
Episode #34 - Dr Thomas Woodham Interview With Wendy K Laidlaw
Listen to Wendy K Laidlaw interviews Dr Thomas Woodham who is a successful chiropractic doctor from USA who has helped many people with various skin conditions heal naturally. You can get a FREE copy of his book here https://www.theunleashedhuman.com/freebook.

To learn more about how to heal your Endometriosis naturally get your FREE paperback copy at Https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyBook.com (just pay shipping).
Click Below To Hear Previous Episodes:- 
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